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Bayeux to Mont St. Michel

How can we travel to MSM from Bayeux without taking the train back to Paris?

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1540 posts

There are lots of buses and you can also sign up for a tour.
There is a daily bus that leaves from the Hotel Churchill to MSM and this
hotel is right is the center of town on the main street.
You can also google bus from Bayeux to Mont St. Michel and you will find many other buses that go. Some are tours and some are just bus transportation.
I think there is also info the the RS France book.

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16894 posts

No suggested train schedules go back via Paris. From Bayeux to Pontorson-Mont-St-Michel station, there are 3 regional trains per day that take under 2 hours. Departure times are different for M-F, vs Saturday, vs Sunday. From Pontorson, you connect to a local bus to the Mount. You may prefer the schedules for an all-bus or van plan.