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Bag Theft Attempt on RER B train Coming From CDG Airport


Just wanted to give everyone a head's up to watch their bags on the RER B coming from the airport. On 7/31 my wife and I were on the train which was getting quite full. Two males were switching cars at each stop. A female came on the train and started talking very loudly ( I couldn't understand) and was very close to my wife. We did not make eye contact. One of the males put his hand in between me and my wife when I saw the other crouch down and try to steal my backpack which was clamped between my legs. It was a sloppy attempt and he didn't get it. I spoke some obscenities at him and they left. I'm guessing the three of them were working together? Anyway, stay alert. That would have been a horrible way to start our trip! To be clear, this was the only instance. We rode the Metro extensively for five days and did not have any problems.

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3985 posts

Thanks for the reminder about this route. Glad you were observant.

Posted by
927 posts

Such a good reminder to be aware of your circumstances! Thanks for posting.

Noting you are from Chicago, the only time I was pickpocketed was on a sanding room only 151 bus on Michigan Ave. I knew something was off, but failed to act. I should have said "let me by" and tried to move or done something to shift the guy away. I didn't lose anything in the end, but my bag was opened. Luckily valuables were in the bottom. Awareness is key!!

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8198 posts

LOL. I ride the 151 almost daily and have never encountered that. Usually in the US it is muggings not pickpockets (although I have been in Chicago 13 years now and yet to encounter a mugging either) -- we don't have generally have skilled thieves. While luggage is rarely a target of thieves in Paris, that small bag or backpack that holds the phone, computer, wallet etc is a target and it is important to hold onto those and not set them down on the floor or on a seat etc. Glad you foiled this set of creeps. Most pickpocketing in Paris is undetectable -- there are lots of very skilled artists of the dip and you don't even know you were a target until you discover the wallet missing. For this reason if I am riding the train in from the airport, I use a moneybelt under my clothes for the passports, money, IDs and hold my messenger bag with the computer etc in my lap.

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9816 posts

Thanks for this reminder, Mike. Glad you were able to ward them off, but it stinks that there is any reason for concern in the first place.

A great reminder, as is Janet's, to keep your eyes and hands on your belongings and your valuables in a money belt.

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3223 posts

I was told before I went to Paris the first time, years ago, to always try and sit as far from the doors as possible on the RER trains from the airport.
I do try to do that, as I have also seen people jumping on and off looking for a “mark” and a quick getaway.
I’m glad you caught the creep in time and had a good holiday.

Posted by
359 posts

The crowding, especially in the morning, sets up the perfect environment for pickpockets to target jet lagged people arriving from North America. I love mass transit, but that's one circumstance where I always take a taxi. Rome is bad that way too. My father elbowed a would be thief in the gut when we were pulling into Termini. Not advisable, but it was effective.