We rented a car for a road trip in Southern France. We made conscious effort all the time not to violate any traffic rules and stayed within the speed that most cars were going. Today I received a speeding ticket (Avis De Contravention) from France in the mail. Speed was clocked at 6 km/hr over the speed limit. The ticket further says:
votre vehicule a ete controle a : 96km/h (Car's driving speed)
- pour une vitesse limite autorisee de : 90 km/h (Speed limit)
- la vitesse retenue est de : 91 km/h (Speed chosen????)
So technically, was I issued a speeding ticket for driving 1 km/h more than the speed limit? I think thats insane. We were driving with another group of friends who live in France and most of the way we followed their car (not a rental. French local car) since we were travelling together. They did not receive any traffic violation notice. I am assuming rental cars are specially targeted.
I went on https://www.antai.gouv.fr/en to see if I can appeal. According to the website I can appeal only my mail? No online process? This is what the website says:
"Formulaire de requête en exonération" (Exemption request form) that you have received with your traffic violation ticket;
"Formulaire de réclamation" (Appeal form) when this document is attached to your increased fixed fine.
Anyone know if I can appeal online? What would happen if I chose to ignore it? (I don't want to ignore, but issuing speeding ticket for driving the same speed as everyone else sounds like being targeted). Any ideas, comments, suggestions?
Thank you.