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Avignon Palais de Papes

My friends and I have a few hours Sept 9th
in Avignon before we are picked up for our stay in a Provence Village. We want to see the Palais de Papes. Is it necessary to purchase advanced tickets? It looks like it takes 2-3 hours to see it, and people are recommending getting the audio/video guide. Does anyone know how much that is? Many were able to see only the gardens because of events going on inside. Thank you for your help.

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377 posts

We bought tickets the day we visited with no problem. The Hist-O-Pad was part of the price of admission and a great way to tour. There is narration and as you point the tablet, you see how the room looked in the day.

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191 posts

Thanks everyone. I went ahead and bought the tickets online. We have so little time in Avignon, I guess even a few minutes saved is worthwhile. We will arrive from the US at dinner time on the 8th, have a leisurely meal then head for bed! Next morning, we’ll have breakfast, do the Palais and as much exploring as we can and have lunch before the van collects us at the TGV at 3:30.

We are staying the Regina Boutique Hotel in the center of town, so if you know any good restaurants/cafes in the area, feel free to share!

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2262 posts

You might be interested to try the indoor public market for lunch-though it shuts down around 1:30 pm (they open 6 am). Lots of great food choices about a six-minute walk from your hotel, it shows seven minutes from Palais de Papes. Oysters are in one of the corner stalls....just sayin'.,+6+Rue+de+la+R%C3%A9publique,+84000+Avignon,+France/Halles+d'Avignon,+18+Place+Pie,+84000+Avignon,+France/@43.948312,4.8068069,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x12b5eb8605e62feb:0xb70bc1abe674eece!2m2!1d4.8056824!2d43.9481903!1m5!1m1!1s0x12b5eb87f12bc2b5:0xab245fa1f8797383!2m2!1d4.8100966!2d43.9477825!3e2

Edit: We had a very nice dinner at Le Cochon Bleu: