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Automatic car rental -- anything I can do to absolutely guarantee it?

My daughters and I are going to France in about 3 weeks, and booking a rental for an automatic car is one of the first trip-planning steps I took. My rental confirmation with Hertz definitely shows that I have reserved an automatic. Is there any risk that Hertz might run out and try to give me a car with a manual transmission instead? I think I'm scarred based on my last two car rental experiences in the U.S. -- one when the rental agency automatically assigned me an electric, even though that is not what I had rented (and I had to beg for a gas-powered car); the other when the agency was out of cars for Easter and changed the vehicle type on me.

I am nervous about picking up my rental in Paris and being told that what I reserved turns out not to be available. I have never driven a manual transmission car, and not being mechanically intuitive, know it would be a huge learning curve.

Please advise if you think there's anything further I should do to ensure that I am given an automatic car, as I have reserved.


Posted by
802 posts

Are you renting at the airport? They'll have the biggest best inventory, so I'm sure you'll be fine no matter what. We just rented in France from Enterprise, taking the train out of Paris to Brittany and then picking up our automatic at the Rennes train station with no problem. You could make a reservation through Enterprise as a back up, but make sure you can cancel at the last minute. (Of course then have you taken a spot from another "panicked must have an automatic last minute car rental" tourist.

Also, learning to drive a manual transmission for the first time in a foreign country is not realistic. My husband secretly had hoped we'd get a manual to relive the old days! But alas, we had an automatic.

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7748 posts

Well, you can book your car with a large agency (like Hertz), which you have done. I think if you pay in advance, your odds are greater of getting what you want. When I rented in England recently, I booked an economy car (and paid up front), but was actually upgraded to a Mercedes Benz, since they were out of the class I reserved. I think that would be your most likely scenario.

You might try contacting them ahead of time and letting them know that you will be picking up your car on such and such a date, and that it is very important for you to have an automatic transmission, since you do not know how to drive a car with manual transmission. That's probably what I would do in your situation.

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640 posts

I’ve picked up 6 automatic rental cars since 2015 and haven’t had any issues. Twice in Tours, once at Orly, once in Venice, once in Madeira, and once in Slovenia. I used to worry similar to you but my experiences have led me to believe this isn’t much of a concern.

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437 posts

I have had good experiences with being assigned automatics that are the size i want. I drive some on narrow roads in England and want an economy automatic. I agree that the inventory is likely to be larger at major airports. Once about 10 years ago, Europcar at London Heathrow assigned me a car larger than i wanted. I firmly told them that was not acceptable, and they brought me another car straight from the car wash.

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302 posts

I would make the reservation, and then call the specific agency two days ahead of the time you're scheduled to pick up the car. It may take some digging to find the phone number for the agency rather than a central office that handles calls, but it should be possible.

When the person answers (assuming you don't speak French) say "Bonjour. Parlez-vous anglais ?" (parlay voo on glay?

They probably will, but if they don't they should get someone who can.

Then, when you get that person on the phone, tell them you need to have an automatic transmission car. If you wish tell them your license doesn't allow you to drive a manual transmission car. That may sound strange to you, but it won't to them, because in France you can be licensed to only drive automatics unless you retake part of the driving test to demonstrate the ability to drive a manual.

Two days ahead of time should give them enough time to arrange for an automatic car to be available for you, if one wasn't already available.

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8498 posts

We once waited two hours for a stick shift car at the Rome airport because although we had reserved well in advance, drivers had not returned cars and they ran out. A guy who had been there two hours when we got there was waiting for an automatic; they had given his car to someone else and now he had to wait until another automatic showed up. He was still there when we left.

There are no guarantees so always have a plan B and a good attitude -- travel is full of excitement like this. We had to get to Berlin last fall in the middle of a sudden train strike -- we managed but it was nervous making and I spent hours coping while my husband toured with friends.

Things don't always work out as you planned.

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7807 posts

I would also recommend not scheduling anything too close to airport arrival, in case you have to wait. One time in Frankfurt, either Avis or Hertz presented me with an IMMENSE Transit Van because it had an automatic, instead of the hatchback automatic I had rented. Luckily we can both drive standards, so we ... ... waited ... ... for a standard small car to be brought in and turned-around for a new rental. Took about an hour, AFIAR.

Try not to pick up a car in downtown Paris. I drive in NYC one day a week, and it's a lot easier and safer than Paris driving!

Posted by
16 posts

Anything can happen because companies are also at the mercy of their inventory with extensions, breakdowns, etc. However, renting from a large company like Hertz and at a major location such as a major train station or airport will virtually eliminate the risk. The airport should be busy enough that if they don’t have one for some reason, simply waiting one returned should solve that problem. There are also other desks you can go to see what they have, though last minute pricing might not be as good. However, that should be your absolutely worst case scenario!

For the person who got the upgrade in England - that happened to me, too. I was a poor college student (but could drive manual) so booked the cheapest car with a London pick-up on a Sunday afternoon. They were out, and only had the highest category sedan available. Automatic score!

Posted by
1057 posts

I have had similar concerns. I finally took driving lessons on a manual. (Pretty hilarious - a 15 year old kid was dropped off for lessons and did a double-take when he saw me waiting. That didn't do a lot for my confidence.)

I would still not be eager to rent a manual, but I feel now if I had to drive one, at least to the nearest place that had an automatic, I could. I don't know if that is an option for you - I had to search for a school with manuals.

Knock wood, but I have always had an automatic waiting when picking up in Europe. I do book out of airports as others have suggested. I have heard of some who have walked down the line of rental agencies and found an automatic from a substitute company when their reservation couldn't be fulfilled.

I was given a huge van once in Germany - to my great dismay. Actually, it turned out I loved that vehicle! Larger than anything I'd ever driven, but I was amazed at well I could manipulate it in tight spots.

Thanks, Bob, for the info on French driver's licenses being valid for automatic only. That would never have occurred to me.

Posted by
240 posts

It's not only French driving licences - restriction code 78 on the licences allowing to drive only automatic vehicles is written into EU legislation and universal across Europe. Car rentals are aware that their customers may not be legally allowed to drive manual transmission cars and do not swap them without contacting you and asking.

Posted by
1057 posts

^^^ Thank you for the additional info above. I’m a bit surprised I was totally unaware of this - never encountered any hint at rentals or seen it mentioned elsewhere when researching rentals. I tend to use Hertz, not on any forms I recall or mentioned while picking up a car, but then, I’ve received the automatics I’ve reserved so non-issue in my circumstances.

Always good to learn something new - that’s what I love about traveling!

Posted by
2184 posts

The good news is that the number of automatic transmission cars in Europe has grown rapidly, especially in the last 5 years. Also I imagine a significant number of customers renting cars are from the US and I'm sure the rental companies are aware few Americans drive manual transmission cars. (Although I've had a manual transmission car since I first started driving and currently drive a 6 speed Miata).

I think you've done everything possible to make sure you get a car with an automatic. Be sure to get an International Driver's Permit (IDP) from AAA before you leave. You'll need it and your driver's license. Study up on basic traffic signage in France. Carefully observe the speed limits, they are not nearly as tolerant regarding speeding, even a little.

We loved driving in France We rented a car in Paris and drove to Loches, where we spent a week exploring the rural countryside. Our Renault had an indicator in the speedometer that would flash red whenever I'd speed. It did a better job of keeping up with changing speed limits than I did! We had absolutely no problems getting around.

I hope you and your daughters have a great time! Have you been to Europe before?

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4765 posts

I would just note that, as a rule, locations can't guarantee anything - not class, not size, not color, not tranny, not even availability when you saunter in. Too many variables. If you choose to gamble that they will have an automatic, and they don't, you better have a plan B and C.

Posted by
93 posts

Easy. Book through Auto Europe, using Hertz if that is what you prefer. Any problems at the desk, call Auto Europe. They can work something out for you, whether they get you a car with another one of their suppliers, etc.

I worked there for 10 years, this happens from time to time, they will fix it. Better to have them in your corner if there is a problem vs fixing it on your own. That is why I am their customer today.

P.S. I always rent automatic and never have this issue.

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1852 posts

Ditto what "acechrist" said. Our rental pick-up last month had a major problem ( wallet with driver's license stolen a few hours before we were scheduled to pick up our rental). The auto-europe rep spent two hours on the phone with us and Avis and managed to resolve the problem. Without auto-europe's help we would not have been able to rent the car. Having that third-party advocate kept our vacation from being ruined. And we got everything we requested for the car: gps and automatic

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11764 posts

anything I can do to absolutely guarantee it?

Other than death and taxes, is there anything one can absolutely guarantee in this world?

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10 posts

Thanks, everyone, for the friendly tips! I have been in France before, but did not drive. I will definitely have some alternate plans in place if my rental plan doesn't work out. I purchased the "Tripamo" lessons on driving in France, which have been super helpful to be able to visualize what the experience will be like (though I need to re-watch again to make sure I fully understand "priorite a droite"!)

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802 posts

It's funny we just drove throughout Brittany/Normandy and we had studied up on the driving rules, and were wanting to make sure we understood priorite di riote, but always along the roads we traveled we'd get the junction ahead: your right of way sign, so it really wasn't something we encountered. The other thing I had read was that when in a roundabout the entering car has the right of way; which makes no sense but I asked the rental car guy about it to confirm. He laughed and said in his best English, "do you think we are stupid; that makes no sense!" We found it really comfortable to drive in France, but outside of Paris. (But study up for yourself. I know nothing. I just know what the car rental guy said!)

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4765 posts

I drove around the Beaune area with no problem, but did worry about that priorite a droit stuff