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Attention All Paris Shoppers...

I’d like recommendations for stores that sell: scarves, tablecloths, artisan ceramics and the classic French enamel house #s.

I know Paris well and I know I can find scarves all over, at outdoor markets, dept stores, museum gift shops... I’m actually looking for an actual small shop that specializes in scarves.

Tried finding tablecloths last year and had no luck. Not looking for dept store type and not looking for the classic Provence tablecloths with a plastic coating you see at outdoor markets. I’m looking for well made cotton tablecloths for informal meals.

Enamel house #s... there used to be a wonderful shop in the Les Halles area that sold authentic old and refurbished classic French house #s but couldn’t find it last year. Hoping someone knows of one somewhere. Not looking for the ones you see along the river at the bouquinistes.

Also looking for recommendations for an artisan ceramics shop.

Thanks in advance everyone!

Posted by
17 posts

Several years ago I bought 3 beautiful silk scarfs at a scarf shop on ille St. Louis. The shop was just down the street from Bertillion ice cream shop. Don't remember the name of the shop, but think it started with a D. There was a wide range of prices, styles, etc. I was very pleased with my purchases. I'd love to hear more shopping recommendations as will be in Paris later this year.

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8712 posts

It is a chain but someone on this forum recommended Diwali for scarves and I went to the one in Montmartre and got the prettiest very light wool scarf I have owned and use every day in the winter with my coat. They have silk and wool scarves; mine is very lightweight, gossamer light but just quite beautiful. Not cheap but not crazy expensive either.

Posted by
10750 posts

Thank you for asking this question, as I will also be looking for a cotton tablecloth in Paris. I bought a nice one at the market in St. Remy four years ago, but it is too small for the table I currently have.

Posted by
4139 posts

Watching this post with interest as I too am in the market for a new French tablecloth. We have a different shaped table since we moved. I'll have a quick opportunity in May and again in July to shop in Paris. So whatever leads you come up with, Susan, will help me to focus. Thanks for this post!

Posted by
1324 posts

Hi Susan --
Betty and I both liked Diwali and bought things there ... scarves and fun costume jewelry. It's a chain but the shops are small and feel more boutique-ish and the prices are very reasonable.

Posted by
10778 posts

Your house numbers are in the basement of the BHV, along with any other piece of hardware you can dream of. Need a French beware of dog sign, or no smoking, or shoeshine kit, plug adaptors, mothballs....

Table linens—like the store 75020 recommended, and also stumbled on a hole in the wall that specializes in tablecoths on rue St. Placide between rue de Sevres and rue du Cherche-Midi. It’ 1-2 blocks down from La Grande Épicerie. It’s tiny and crowded with a rack of linen dish towels outside. The lady carried everthing from the old checkercloth to the lace and even a couple of Provencials that she said she carried for the American tourists. Got me stereotyped! ;—)

Mona, Andrea, we need a tablecloth exchange. I bought a rectangular table, so all my oblongs are packed away.

Posted by
9436 posts

Thank you Marilinne, janet, Pam, 75020, Sharyn, Mona and Bets! Really helpful and much appreciated.

Phew Andrea... I thought we were gonna have to go to St Remy! Not that that’s a bad thing...

Posted by
10778 posts

The Provencial cloths are very hard to find nowadays, at least on the Riviera. SharYn and I dicussed finding them last year. The stores where my SIL lives have either closed or one, a huge Provence themed store in Menton, now stocks Hobby Lobby merchandise instead. Indeed, a trip over to Aix and Cassis is needed to see if they are still sold at the markets. Otherwise, the two regions famous for the best table linens are the Vosges, as suggested by 75020, and Basque Country. My favorite is from the Vosges: Garnier-Thiebaut brand.

Posted by
797 posts

Scarves: a chain called Diwali. There are a few shops around Paris. A great variety of fabric and price range. I always look at the markets too. Last fall I found a great scarf at a vide grenier, a sort of rummage sale, for 5 Euro. It washed great in the sink and I wore it during the rest of my holiday.

Posted by
4065 posts

For tablecloths, I suggest La Maison Ivre on Rue Jacob.

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10750 posts

Bets, you may be onto something. I have an oval table that could use a tablecloth if it is just right for the room, which is kind of French Country. I have a rectangular table in my great room that I'd love to find a cloth for. What I have now is square. What are you looking for Mona? Maybe we should think about a tablecloth exchange at the meeting next month. :-)

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9436 posts

Hmm... I don’t have a tablecloth to exchange but I might like to buy one... : )

Posted by
2466 posts

I'm confused by what you mean by "Enamel houses". The only ones I know of are around Christmas time at BHV.
I don't know about artisan ceramics shops - hopefully you will wander around in the 11th - there are some there.
BHV is your source for anything - look for the brand Janvier.

Posted by
9436 posts

Yes, Mona is right. House numbers (#s).
The wonderful shop in the Les Halles area had orginals though, which I prefer. I can order new ones online but they are very expensive. I will buy new ones in France if they’re reasonably priced if I can’t find orginals.

chexbres, I’ll keep my eyes peeled in the 11th for artisan ceramics... thanks for that tip.

Posted by
4139 posts

Susan were you able to find any nice tablecloths on your recent trip? Just inquiring because I’ll be there in 2 weeks and will try to pop into some of the shops mentioned prior to your recent trip. Welcome back.

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9436 posts

Mona, thank you for the welcome back. Yes, I found tablecloths I liked at BHV. Coton, two in traditional old school pattern, plus many more, around $40. Good price I thought.

Posted by
4139 posts

That does seem like a good price. Is the only BHV store the one in the Marais? Did you find your house numbers?