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Apple Pay

How common is Apple Pay in France? And does anyone know if it can be used on tollroads? Thanks

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55 posts

I've been driving on French tollroads for a month. I have never seen Apple Pay, but I have always gone into the green light / yellow lower case letter t lanes, so as to have the most options for paying. Usually a credit card with a chip works, but sometimes it is inexplicably refused. Sometimes bills or coins you expect to be accepted will be refused. Even if Apple Pay is accepted on some French toll road somewhere, be prepared to pay by several different means, or risk inconvenience and being the focus of the rage of some French drivers delayed by what they will perceive as your slowness.

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33480 posts

I've never seen the option for contactless of any form at the paege. The card reader isn't particularly convenient for many people reaching out of the window, and before I switched to the reader attached to my windscreen (Liber-T) I dropped my carda couple of times over the years.

I would hate to contemplate the consequences of dropping my iPhone onto the concrete floor of the toll booth.