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apartment rentals in Courbevoie

Is anyone familiar with Courbevoie? (A banlieue to the Northwest of Paris, at the end of metro line 1.)
We are planning to stay in Courbevoie for 17 days in late September/early October. I've been reading that, like all cities, Courbevoie has nice areas and not-so-nice areas. We'd prefer to avoid the not-so-nice areas, but I have no idea where they might be.
Any information or suggestions would be appreciated.

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The area closest to the metro is not very charming (big buildings, confusing layout) but I cannot think of any unsafe area in Courbevoie. Do make sure that you are close to the metro or the train, though: Courbevoie is not that small and it can quickly become inconvenient.
Have a look at Puteaux as well: just as close to line 1 and the train, and more charming (same warning re. proximity to transport). Or Levallois across the river, much more convenient overall thanks to Line 3.