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Apartment rentals for 4 people/2 baths in Paris/Amboise/Provence ?

Four of us would like to spend 5 nights in Paris, 4 in Loire valley, and 4 or 5 somewhere in Provence in March/April of 2018. Have been to Paris and stayed near Place Concorde and loved the area, but would like to stay on Ille st louis, if possible. I've been on line looking for apartments, but combined with planning a fall wedding and trip to visit son in
China in May, I am computer-blind. I'd be very appreciative if anyone could give me great apartment recommendations, and location in Provence is open to suggestions. Thank you so much for any advice you can give.

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2466 posts

Nobody is certain about the apartment situation in Paris. Currently, the vast majority of them are illegal rentals.
If you are looking 1.5 years in advance, things might well change.
Can't speak for the other cities you mentioned, though.

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492 posts

Contact Despite their name, they have properties outside Paris as well as in the city. They are U.S. based (so no time or language difficulties), pride themselves on their customer service and have a very good reputation.

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175 posts

Thank you for your suggestions...keep them coming. Will try

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8262 posts

Finding a place with two bathrooms will be an enormous challenge. Normally when you want hotel amenities like AC and extra bathrooms you book hotel rooms.

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175 posts

Thank you for your responses. Yes, I've tried AirBNB, but like I said, going blind looking at the computer all night, after looking at it all day at work. I had hoped that someone had a fabulous place that they stayed and recommended.....that's what I love about this site. Also, we have stayed in Orvieto, Rome, Florence, and Sorrento and rented two bedrooms/two baths. It makes it a lot nicer than sharing bath with son and fiancee (soon to be daughter-in-law). We really like apartments, so we can enjoy breakfast and coffee without having to leave - and sometimes we like to cook dinner in. So.....if anyone has ANY suggestions for apartments, or locations/places to visit, I will definitely consider all.

Thanks to all of you, who have helped me now with two trips to Italy and one to France. We are off to China in May, and then next year back to Europe. With your help, I know it will be a fabulous year of planning and visiting new places.

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9908 posts

I know folks here often also recommend the apartments rented by Paris Perfect.