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Anyone used the special assistance offered by SNFC for wheelchairs on trains?

I know you get better pricing with advance purchase for SNFC tickets. But I will need special assistance getting on and off the train. I’ve checked the SNFC-Connect site but can’t see anyway to indicate I have a wheelchair when I go to book our tickets. Does anyone know more about this?

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4159 posts

I saw the 2 boxes you check when you are in the booking process of buying a ticket. There will be a choice to make about each Traveler for choosing ages. Once you do this there is a box that says Disabled passenger. If you check the Disabled box a second box becomes checkable that says Wheelchair user. There is an information link and FAQ to read up on too.

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2158 posts

I saw the options when I searched for the tickets, but when then tried to actually book tickets, there were no simillar questions asking if I had a wheelchair. Rather confusing.

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4159 posts

It is rather confusing as it doesn’t really tell you how you get help or what to expect. As you look deeper into the accessibility SCNF links they are all in French. At the bottom of one page it said:

“Learn more and book

How it works

Booking is open every day from 7.00 to 20.00. Choose from 2 options:

call +33 970 824 142 (no surcharge on call from inside France)
email us at [email protected]
You can book with the Accès Plus Transilien call centre from 10 days before departure to 12.00 on the day before.”