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Anyone done Carrières de Lumières in Les Baux? Ticket help?

I'm going to see the van Gogh Carrières de Lumières in Les Baux in June - at least that's the plan. I'm trying to buy tickets through the site and there seems to be no way to specify a date or time while purchasing a ticket. I've gotten through the whole process right up until you pay but have never been asked to pick a time or even a date.

Has anyone gone with an on-line? It can't be just a buy a ticket and show up whenever, can it? I could almost see that for a day but not forever.

I emailed the contact at the site but I'm not holding out hope for a response.

Any thoughts/experience to share?

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5697 posts

We just dropped in when we were in St-Remy last May -- it's a big exhibit, you can walk in any time and watch/listen as the show cycles through, stay as long as you want. It's VERY dark when you walk in -- give your eyes time to adjust before walking to your viewing area.

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165 posts

I did this 2 years go and it was fantastic. I wasn't going to do it because it seemed too commercial - but it was wonderful! I got my ticket at les beaux as part of admission to les beaux, and yes, I just went there and went in. I suppose it could be more complicated now if it has gotten more popular, but I recommend it. sue

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368 posts

We went early June last year when Picasso & a short with Beatles tunes were featured. Had no problems buying tickets at the door. Absolutely loved it! I think the one in Paris would need advance purchase.

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3943 posts

We went last year and just got a combo ticket when we went to Les Baux and went over after we finished walking around Les Baux. We were there in July and it wasn't crowded - I don't think you'll have to worry about that. Worst part was trying to find somewhere to park. If you are at all interested in Les Baux (and it's pretty neat - we've been twice) then just get a combo tix to save some money.

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1289 posts

Thanks everyone, I guess it is just that low key a ticket buying experience. I wanted to buy tickets here to make sure I didn't miss it but I'll look into the other ticket options locally.


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1289 posts

For completeness I got a response from Carrières de Lumières:

Nous vous remercions de l’intérêt que vous portez aux sites Culturespaces.
Pour répondre à votre demande, pour les carrières de lumières c’est un billet open.

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne réception de ces précisions et restons à votre disposition pour toute information complémentaire qui vous serait nécessaire.

Cordialement, L’équipe Culturespaces.
--- Google translate ---
We thank you for your interest in Culturespaces sites.
To answer your request, for the careers of lights it is an open ticket.

We wish you a good reception of these precisions and remain at your disposal for any additional information which you would need.

Sincerely, The Culturespaces Team.

Posted by
75 posts

Just went a few days ago.
Fantastic. Don’t miss it.
No preplanning - drove into Les Beau, purchased the combo ticket. Had GREAT experience.
March is a great month for southern France.
Note: RS Guidebook mentions ok to bring picnic lunch onto castle grounds. Definitely do this.

Just got back from there. As my daughter who is living in Grenoble insisted on this plan—Go late afternoon and you’ll find a parking space. Get combo tix and go visit shops and the ruins at sunset. We were almost the only ones there, see the small cemetery on left as you leave the top. We walked the streets almost alone. We slept at a great air bnb in Maussane-les-Alpilles one block from the town square. Fantastic bakery about 20 ft from your door, patio also. Then head back early to visit the light show, we found parking easily. Do not go in the midday or early afternoon unless you want a long walk just to the entrance go up and have an early lunch before the restaurants fill up. Hope you have a good time, we did. PS I was not in favor of seeing the light show, but family wanted to go, turns out it was really good, worth it!