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Antigen test required for health

Hi All..

Leaving for Paris tomorrow...just received a call from my friend and travel agent in Paris who states that in order to get our Health Pass Sanitaire upon arrival, a negative antigen test will be required. This can be done in unison...has anyone else heard the latest?

Thank you

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15007 posts

Not trying to be mean, but it also follows that if you are vaccinated and you got this advice from your travel agent/friend that you will need to double check any information regarding other requirements.

You will need a negative antigen test 3 days (not 72 hours) before your return flight to the US.

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15007 posts

"Returning home is a completely different problem."

Yes, I understand that completely. Just wondered if the friend/travel agent had gotten some wires crossed with requirements for incoming vs outgoing.

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10430 posts

Pam has a good point. With the very basic beginning info being this far off base, it does make one wonder about the reliability of the rest of the information this person is giving you. . .

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8705 posts

Every time we have used a travel agent for any arrangements we have regretted it. They so often seem uninformed and untraveled. You get whatever is in their big book i.e. touristy hotels, overpriced passes, overpriced local tours. Here is just another example of panic induced by lack of professional competence.

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292 posts

Thank you for all your does appear that starting Sat negative test will be required..Perhaps I am reading incorrectly but of course will roll with whatever comes our way! Safe travels all..