I read a rather obscure comment on a site that I can not find again, that described a tight view from inside the cemetery of the landing beaches. The article's point was that the land where the cemetery exists was a battle ground on June 6th...and that the particular view was actually for German artillery. I can NOT find the info again...and now my interest is piqued..and I would love to know more. The article described the view as a "window". Any help would be greatly appreciated! #memorialday2019
1) You have a wonderful view of Omaha Beach from the Belvedere lookout of the cemetery. I don't know if there was any German artillery at that place, heavy artillery certainly wasn't there.
2) Widerstandsnest 62(WN62) was a strong point which has visible remains a short walk outside the cemetery.
This site is infamous for taking a heavy toll on the invasion force as recalled by machine gunner Heinrich Severloh aka the The beast of Omaha
Warning! Take this article with a pinch of salt, it's not up to the Wikipedia standard and it's dubious, but hey every war has its legends and legends tend to have some truth in them.
UPDATE: I think I found that "window view":
Thank you thank you...WN62 is exactly the window info that I've been searching for. I did not find any info on the Belvedere lookout.