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Activating an eSIM Card

I plan to install an eSIM card from Orange on my iPhone before I leave for France. Can I wait until I am in France before I actually activate the eSIM? I ask this since the eSIM is valid for 2 weeks beginning upon activation. Thank you so much.

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267 posts

Yes - you make sure it is "off" while in the US, and as you land in France, switch it "on" and your normal line "off" and then come out of airplane mode.

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202 posts

So I just found out the hard way that Orange starts the timer on your eSIM when you purchase it. I bought a two week eSIM about a week before I left for a ten night trip, and yep, it suddenly quit working a few days before the end of my trip. From now on, I'll wait to buy it until the day I leave.

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30 posts

Hm... interesting. According to the Orange instructional video, activation starts when the PIN is entered; not at the point of purchase.

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43 posts

I bought an Orange sim card from Amazon. It was activated when I entered the pin. I have Verizon and in 2 1/2 months I could only use my phone with Whatsapp. I could never use my phone for directions. I had a French # so US friends just used Whatsapp. I had wifi where I stayed and upped my card twice for data. Two Orange stores were of no help. This forum gave me advice before and after my trip, however it never was really explained why my phone didn't work as it does in the US. A lot of people love T-Mobile and I'm considering switching for my next trip.