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A night before Bayeux?

We have reservations for 3 nights in Bayeux and want to arrive rested for what we anticipate will be very full touring days so we are planning on staying a night (or two) elsewhere after we land at CDG. Paris is the obvious choice but we are also considering Rouen. Any thoughts? Or elsewhere? We have the flexibility to stay in Paris later in the trip as well.

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28802 posts

I liked Rouen a lot. It has some sights you may be interested in (at least three museums, plus the Jean d'Arc sights) as well as a large, beautiful (rebuilt) historic district.

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3050 posts

I just stayed one night in Rouen on my way back from Bayeux but found it quite stunning and well worth even a short visit.

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6713 posts

Are you driving? Rouen is great but you might not want to drive there, or to Bayeux, after an overnight flight, unless you get much more sleep in planes than most of us do.

If you'll be going by train, I suggest spending that first night in Paris so you can get over your jet lag in the city. Look for a hotel near Gare St-Lazare so you can get right to the train the next morning. Spend the day walking around outside, getting fresh air and hopefully sunshine, have an early dinner, then crash. And by all means come back to Paris later in the trip for as long as you can.

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99 posts

Exactly my thoughts Dick, definitely no driving the first day. Thoughts were to either immediately train to Rouen from CDG or arrange for a private transfer, and after a good nights sleep there rent a car for Bayeux and beyond. Might be just as efficient to take your advice and spend the night in Paris and train directly to Bayeux. The first focus of this trip is Normandy, we have been to Paris several times and are excited to spend more time there too!

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1302 posts

I visit Normandy often, and sometimes do as Dick says. If you have that sort of time, it is a nice way to settle in, and keeps you from having to spend your first day just dealing with travel logistics while tired. I usually take the Roissybus direct from CDG to the Opéra Garnier (no changes, no stairs, no tunneling underground), and drop off my bags at my hotel somewhere between there and Gare Saint-Lazare (sometimes in the Madeleine area). After enjoying a nice day walking around Paris and seeing some sights, the next morning I wake up fresh and enjoy my train out to Caen or Bayeux.

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6713 posts

PharmerPhil has a good plan. Also simpler and cheaper than a "private transfer" from CDG to Rouen, which would be mostly busy highways full of traffic.

I keep waiting for the SNCF to lay on direct train service between CDG and Normandy, which would eliminate a major topic on this forum and let us focus on other matters. They must not be giving the forum the constant attention it deserves! ;-)

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99 posts

Thank you PharmerPhil, that does sound like reasonable plan, maybe we will even stay in Paris two nights and take a day trip to Giverny (which I was sorry to miss on our last Paris trip) on our first full day. On your many trips to Normandy do you typically rent a car once you are there?
BTW- we will be in your neck of the woods in June for a concert in Gillett Stadium! ;)

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12315 posts

I doubt SCNF will ever displace Paris as the central hub of all train routes.

I agree with not renting a car on day one. Recognize the potential jet lag and the danger in driving tired (as bad as driving drunk). Rouen is probably the easiest to train to from Paris (after you get downtown) but you can also get direct trains (though fewer) to Bayeaux, Caen or Honfleur.

Rouen has a great medieval center so a good place to spend an afternoon/evening.

Honfleur has a different, port town, feel. If you aren't visiting any port towns, it may be the best choice.

Caen has the D-day museum. If you're focusing on D-day sights during your visit to Normandie and don't have plans to otherwise visit the museum that may be a good choice.

I also think the cliffs (and intact German defenses) in Etretat and Fecamp are worth seeing. I don't believe they're convenient, however, without a car.

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28802 posts

There are no trains to Honfleur. You have to switch to a bus somewhere like Caen or Deauville.

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1302 posts

Yes, I always rent a car once in Normandy. Although there are good trains getting there (to Caen, Bayeux, Cherbourg, etc.), once in Normandy I can't imagine being able to see much other than a particular village/city center without having a car. This isn't a "big-city" vacation. Glad you'll be in my 'hood this June. Personally, I'll be in Normandy early June!. Who will you see in Foxborough?

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1302 posts

lostinspace — Nice! Ironically, I will be in Normandy when The Stones are in Foxborough. But I did see them here sometime in the late 80's or early 90's (even though I didn't live here then). Enjoy!