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A 5 day Parisian adventure with grandsons ages 5&3!?!

My husband and I are returning to Paris. We have had 30 years to recover from the trauma of our naïveté.
I was pregnant at the time. This fall, now that that baby has grown into a vibrant young artist, teacher, wife and mother, we are bringing her family to Paris! Our daughter and her husband teach at an international school in Germany.
The two of us will preempt that visit with a 4 night stay in September.
So, when we are with our daughter, her wonderfully bright husband and our two little grandsons, what can you suggest to make our late October Parisian adventure magical?!?

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8765 posts

Pace the trip at a child's pace, with plenty of rest breaks. No one will have fun if the children are overtired and cranky! Limit museum time and increase activity. Boat rides, walks in a park. Bring some outdoor toys.

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784 posts

I have no children of my own, but love to watch kids and their parents interacting. My advice is to stay at a hotel near one of the parks like the Tuilleries or Luxembourg Gardens where the kids can run off energy. You can also rent the little sailboats for them to sail (With supervision) on one of the ponds. I think this is available on the weekends. The biggest park in Paris is Parc de la Villette up in the northeast corner of Paris. It is a little out of the way, but it has a lot of activities for kids. There are also carrousels in many parks and at some of the squares. One of the things that always impresses me is how much Parisian parents engage with their kids. You will see little girls pushing their dollies in little buggies while walking with their parents, and both boys and girls riding push scooters while their parents stroll. And treats! Amorino gelato shops are all over Paris.

PS: you probably won't find children's menu in cafes and restaurants, but you should find something they like and will eat. French children pretty much eat what their parents eat and they learn to appreciate good food. If you have picky eaters, take a jar of peanut butter or you can easily buy cheese, etc. at a grocery store.

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9436 posts

The Luxembourg Gardens in the 5th (Latin Quarter) and the 6th (St Germain) is fabulous for young children and adults. My favorite park of all. They have a wonderful playground, donkey rides, carousel, marionette shows, two cafés, crèpe stands, ice cream and several restrooms. I’d stay close enough to easily walk there from your hotel.

In the Bois de Boulogne (park on western side of Paris) is a wonderful, old fashioned amusement park that is geared towards young children that they would really enjoy. I, and my son, grew up going there. They have a little train, animals, gentle rides, trampolines, a playground... lots of fun things for any 3 and 5 yr old and adults.

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256 posts

Thank you for all these delightful suggestions and practical considerations.