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8 days in April of 2025

Hi, I am trying to plan a trip to France for 8 days in April of 2025. My daughter turns 16 and at that time will be halfway through her fourth year of French so kind of a big deal in NY as it's her second Regents. Anyhow I know we plan to spend about half of the time in Paris but, would the recommendation be to split the other four days between Nice and Avignon or to choose one? Our ages will be 47f, 46m, 16fand 13f. We are all fairly active and LOVE food (which is why we stay active lol). I am really just looking for a general direction so I can then focus my squirrel brain. None of us have been to Europe but, we have done the Mayan temples of Mexico, lots of beach tours in the Caribbean and a surf and yoga week in Costa Rica. So we are adventurous and unafraid of getting lost in culture.

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14482 posts

Honestly, I'd spend all 8 nights in Paris and do some day trips. If you feel like you must spend some of your short time out of Paris, I'd choose one. If you pick Nice you can fly home out of there instead of having to return to Paris.

Any thoughts from your daughter about spending a year abroad? If so, I'd choose Aix-en-Provence which is a university town with lots of international students. Or maybe you don't want her to go there, hahaha!

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5312 posts

I agree with Pam, that Paris alone could easily fill all of your time. Dont forget your travel time if travelling to the south of France. It's about 6 hours, give or take, to Nice. So you will use most of a day's sightseeing time just getting there. Flying on a multicity ticket into Paris and out of Nice would eliminate a whole day of unnecessary internal travel.

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6711 posts

I'll join the pile-on here -- just Paris would seem like plenty, with a day trip or two to places like Giverny, Versailles, Chartres, etc. If you really want a contrast, Nice would be a good one, very different geography, Italian influence, easy trains both ways along the coast (including into Italy), chance to break the bank at Monte Carlo (well....). Note that the beach at Nice is basically gravel, scenic but not much for lying around on. But there are sand beaches at the towns on both sides. Nice's international airport also allows you to fly home from there, with a connection somewhere else no doubt, saving you about a day getting back to Paris.

Avignon is also a nice place to visit, in the heart of Provence, with some historic buildings, museums, the Rhone River, and connections to other Provencal sights. It's a shorter train ride than Nice from Paris, but will still take the best part of a day. If your daughter is more excited about inland Provence than the Riviera, then go for that -- or Aix, as suggested above. But I think Nice has better potential in the limited time you have. Don't try to do both plus Paris.

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5131 posts

Agree with the others who suggest staying in Paris the entire time and perhaps doing day trips. Each time you relocate, you'll lose at least 1/2 to 3/4 of a day. It's not just the actual travel time. It's also the time spent packing up, checking out, getting to the train station or airport, and waiting there. Upon arrival you have to spend time getting to the new hotel, checking in, and doing some unpacking. With only eight days, why use one just to relocate? There is more than enough to keep you busy in Paris if you had twice as much time. Just food for thought.

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890 posts

You certainly don't need to spend time in Avignon IMO. Lyon would be a better choice for culture and gastronomy. No better place than Lyon for food.