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3 hotels to choose from in Paris!

I’ve done my research and have narrowed my choices to these 3 in Le Marais. We are booking 3 rooms, and these do get good reviews on TA. Good prices. But I’d like thoughts from this group if you’ve been.

  1. Caron Le Marais
  2. Caron Beauchamp
  3. Hotel Les Tournelle


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5322 posts

If you want to crosscheck the reviews, have a look at their reviews on (which I tend to give more credence than TA).

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3873 posts

Do you mean Caron de Beaumarchais? If you do, I’d put that one last and say it is a toss up between the other two. I’ve been to all three.

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985 posts


So glad you’ve been to all 3! Caron Le Marais is closer to the river, but much smaller rooms it seems. However, it’s in the 4th, so I’m assuming in the heart of Le Marais. We’re traveling with our adult sons and one is married, so I want it to be in a fun and lively area. Hotel Les Durelle I’ve read is in the 3rd, bordering the 4th, so I’m not sure if it’s still in the midst of activity. The rooms seem larger, too. What was your take on each hotel and location? Thank you!

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985 posts


I’ll do that! I usually just go on TA, so this is good to know.

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1124 posts

Have you checked these hotels on I find their reviews more reliable than on TA. On TA sometimes reviews are by those who haven't stayed there. On you must have stayed there to post a review. I usually read all the reviews that are 2 years old or less. Maybe that will help with your decision. Bonne chance!

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3873 posts

@Lulu348, Le Marais encompasses portions of the 4th and the 3rd so all three of your hotel choices are in Le Marais. I don't like Caron de Beaumarchais because of its decor. It's location is actually pretty good and it is the closest to river of the three, though not significantly much closer Caron le Marais. Hotel Les Tournelles and Hotel Caron le Marais are basically interchangeable for me in terms of decor and service with a slight edge to Les Tournelles. I find Rue Caron a bit quieter and just as convenient as Rue de Turenne. As between Caron le Marias and Les Tournelles, I'd either flip a coin or go for the cheaper one.

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985 posts

JHK, thank you. I looked on google maps and do like Caron being so close to Rue Rivoli and that pretty little square at the other end. I also read it’s really close to Metro line 1. It’s cheaper, too. The rooms seemed about the same size. I’ll probably end up going with that.

I have an email out to Caron. The twin rooms have a “bathtub”, and the doubles a shower. Do you know if the bathtub has a shower if you stayed there?