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3 day mother daughter road trip

My daughter and I will land in Milan, rent a car and spend one day and night in Genoa. The plan is to proceed to Nice and stay for two nights.
2 questions:
How hard is it to find parking in these cities overnight?
And on the way back to Milan we want to break up the drive, not seeing the same places. Any advice on what to hit on the way back? It would just be for the day.

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It is a long drive for just one day in Nice, in my opinion you would be better off staying in Liguria.
To answer your question: Genoa parking, I know nothing about, but Nice parking is not an issue at all. Plenty of underground lots.
And to drive from Nice to Milan, you could detour through the wine country around Barolo, but note that the Tende tunnel is closed until further notice, so you will have to detour via Savona anyway.