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2 Speed tickets for 1kmh !

Hi guys, I've been reading few posts here about people who got speed camera fines, usually for at least 10kmh and above. In the past week I got 2 speed fines both for 111kmh in a road of 110kmh. Besides the fact that it is ridiculous and irritating, it feels like some French scam. What are the chances to get 2 tickets for the exact speed of 111kmh in a road of 110kmh?

I was driving with a new Audi Q2 (model 2017) with a cruise control which I strove to maintain on the speed limit.

Do you think guys I have any case to appeal here? Just ignore those fines?
BTW, I'm an Israeli citizen...

Any help would be appreciated

Posted by
3804 posts

Were you operating the vehicle at the time and place noted on the ticket? If so, pay not necessarily because anything will happen if you do not (I don't know about cross-border enforcement of speeding tickets) but because you should. You broke the law and there are consequences. It is quite easy to get two tickets on the same -- the cameras are objective. My husband once got 3 on one day in the same location because he was lost and kept going by the same camera. He always jokes about that as proof that the French do not appreciate his great driving because he was not speeding up and slowing down. He paid, BTW. It's not a scam. It's enforcement of speed limits.

Posted by
3521 posts

Doesn't matter where you are from. The tickets are valid. Sure, you could fight it, but that would mean going to the court in France. Is it worth the time and money you would spend fighting it or easier to just pay? It is not a scam.

It seems your cruise control was doing its job since you were at a constant speed. Unfortunately, your speedometer and the radar used by the cameras don't agree. I do think that 1kmh is a bit tight, but it is the law. It is always better to set the cruise slightly below the speed limit to prevent fines like this.

Posted by
5387 posts

There is an amount of grace worked into French speeding tickets so you were probably 5km/h if not more over the indicated speed.

An appeal requires lodging of €135 for it to be heard, which you only get back if successful. You would run the risk of a higher penalty if this was considered frivolous.

The tickets ought to be for €45 each if you pay up quickly.

Posted by
3122 posts

Just want to express my sympathy and say that we were really, really lucky not to get a speeding ticket! Our overnight ferry was canceled on a few hours' notice and we had to race from south of Tours to the ferry port of Cherbourg to catch the only other boat to England on that day. Hate to say how fast I drove, very lucky no police pulled me over.

Posted by
302 posts

I'm curious what the amount of the fine is for each of the transgressions.

Posted by
2261 posts

^ ^ ^ Wow, that's cheap-I'd pay 'em before they go up.

What does a French scam feel like?

Posted by
8262 posts

There is already a 5 km grace, so you were going 6 over at least. They are serious about speed limits. Don't do the driving if you can't do the rules annoying though that is.

Posted by
10376 posts

45-you got a deal--:( Ours was 100 entering Limoges doing 58 in a 50. Your 1 kph over is the tightest we've ever heard, but it's all done by computer probably. We paid on line the same day.

Posted by
2916 posts

very lucky no police pulled me over.

Unless this was awhile ago, you're not necessarily in the clear yet. I've read stories about people getting notified of speed camera tickets months later. Although I assume if it's your own car rather than a rental, you'd hear pretty quickly.

Posted by
8262 posts

Real good. So Americans are just so cool that they should ignore the laws of countries they travel in? Increasingly foreign jurisdictions are turning such tickets over to collections so that scofflaws like yourself don't get to trample the laws of countries they visit.

Posted by
27455 posts

I have no idea whether the authorities in France will track the OP down in Israel, or what might happen if they do. I'm nearly certain, though, that the first thing that's going to happen if the tickets are ignored, is that the fines will increase. They may double, and (if still unpaid) double again. So if there is a problem in the future (when the OP again wants to rent a car in France or perhaps even elsewhere in Europe), the cost to make it right is likely to be far more than 90 euros.

Posted by
1878 posts

I feel like I have seen posts like this so many times. If they really ticket for 1 kph over, that's ridiculous but I suspect that there really is an undisclosed amount by which they give you a break as some have mentioned (grace kph). Otherwise they would issue hundreds of tickets a day to drivers whose speedometers were just a little off. I can't imagine taking the trouble to contest it across national boundaries for 90 Euros. My time is worth more than that. I also would not want to live as an international scofflaw. I have driven in England, Ireland, France since 2010. All of those have speed cameras and I never had a ticket, but the presence of cameras definitely makes me nervous and half spoils the enjoyment of having a car. I look for ways to stick to public transit more and more. I say keep it legal and contest, or just pay. For me the choice would be clear to pay, but you may have more time to pursue fighting it. (Ask yourself though, on what grounds would you contest it, that would have a chance of success?)

Posted by
5837 posts

RE: Real good. So Americans are just so cool that they should ignore the laws of countries they travel in?

OP self reports to be an Israeli, not an American. Morality and law and order aside, I suppose if the law breaker doesn't expect to return to France, I would doubt that France would ask for extradition. And I doubt that Israel would return one of its citizens to France.

Posted by
8075 posts

No Edgar janettravels44 was referring to what the poster James before her from
Poughkeepsie advises the OP to just skip paying it because that is what s/he did.

Hey jgolbstein pay the fine already. don't leave unfinished business

Posted by
8262 posts

LOL obviously not referring to you JG and also not referring to extradition or does Israel not have collection agencies that can hound you till you pay and ruin your credit rating? Since the world is computerized enforcement across borders has stepped up and they can certainly track down American scofflaws; perhaps Israelis as well. But beyond that paying one's speeding fines is the right thing to do.

Posted by
33339 posts

Is the Audi Q2 (2017) your own car, driven from Israel or a rental?