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Changing trains in Nice

We are taking a train from Avignon to the Ventimille station and have to change trains in Nice. Our train arrives in Nice at 9h41 and the train to Ventimille station departs at 9h56. There's not much time to look for the right train. Does anyone have suggestions for getting oriented in the Nice station and finding the right train quickly? Thank for your help.

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211 posts

I don't recall the Nice station being that huge. You should be able to see a tv monitor as soon as you get off the train so you can look up your next journey and walk to the right platform quickly.

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4684 posts

Nice is a through station with a subway under the platforms, and isn't especially large. As soon as you get off the train look for a departure board.

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16894 posts

Fifteen minutes should be plenty of time, but do try to be one of the first people off the train, at the door before it stops, so you don't get stuck behind someone who's in no particular hurry. The conductor on the first train may also be able to tell you which track to head toward, so ask when he or she checks your ticket.

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11294 posts

A British to American translation of Philip's post: by "subway" he means an underground passageway, not a Metro. So, you get off your first train, find out which track your next train departs from, go downstairs to the passageway, then go upstairs right to your next track.

Also, from Nice the Ventimille the train is a local, running every half hour, with no reservations required or possible. So, if you miss the 9:56, the next one should be at 10:26 - just get on that one.