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Paris - Left Bank - La Palette

Just a little warning for visitors to Paris: the cafe La Palette is recommended by Rick in his Paris guidebook as part of the real cafe culture of the Left Bank (it's mentioned in the Left Bank walking tour), but unfortunately I can't second the recommendation.

The service was rude and abrupt. The cappuccino I ordered arrived slopped into the saucer. No glass of water, no biscotti, not even the button-sized, plastic-wrapped ones they like so much in Paris...while I watched other guests getting those amenities two tables away. These may seem like small details, but I got to pay 6.70 euro for the privilege and had to flag down a different waiter because mine was on a 30 minute smoke break in the back.

I've been to France several times and am used to the foibles of Parisian table service. This wasn't that, it was just pure lousy, surly service, the kind that sends travelers back home with tales of how rude the French are. With a reported 12,000 cafes in Paris, you can do better than La Palette.

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181 posts

Oh, that’s the VERY same cafe that seems to NEVER close. I rented a ParisBest Lodge studio across from it, on Rue Jacques Callot, this summer. Even with windows closed, that place never quieted down. And when it finally did, that’s when the garbage trucks came around to pick up all those wine bottles. Sheesh! Sorry to hear about your bad experience Thanks for the warning!

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My husband and I were following RS guide and nearly missed this place. I have to say it was absolutely filled with character, especially the toilet!! lol

To begin with we found the wait staff a little brusk and distracted, however, we caught the attention of a second waiter which came by our table and he was far more engaging. Not speaking any French, except for the courteous things, I would always ask 'how do I say .... in French' and that would always spark some fun and banter with the staff. It happened every where we went. It worked again here.
I would agree about the seating and the food, but for the experience of the history, and the toilet!, I have to say an overall enjoyable experience.