Hello: I would love to visit Bayeaux to begin a Normandy tour to honor all WWII Patriots who sacrificed the Ultimate.
My 2nd Cousin was a 101st Airborne Survivor at The Battle of the Bulge and lived! His outfit traveled... I don't know too many details...
but he landed in Normandy. I have booked a reservation at Hotel Churchill at Bayeaux. I definitely want to pay homage...
Question for help:
I will arrive at Paris gare de Lyon from Zurich, and need help/guidance on how to best travel from Paris gare de Lyon to Bayeaux?
If anyone has an experience to share, please do. The train schedules are confusing, at least to me...
I welcome any help.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a Normandy Tour out of Bayeaux?
With kind regards,