St-Jean-de-Luz is a beautiful Atlantic coast town in the Basque region of France, just east of Spain. The recently remodeled 125-year-old hotel was a little bit of a splurge for us, but well worth it. We had a beautiful 3rd-Floor (in USA terminology) room with a balcony overlooking the promenade, beautiful sandy beach, and the sea. Breakfast was excellent, and if you chose, was delivered to your room within a couple minutes of calling. Eating breakfast on the balcony in gorgeous weather was a real treat. The hotel has its own parking garage the next block, and hotel staff would have your car at the door when you wanted it. The hotel was beautifully run by an enthusiastic and helpful staff.
One of the very best hotels we've stayed at in Europe. We were very happy to have stayed there five nights, and would do it again without question.
Most of RS's recommended restaurants were minutes away, and all very good.