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68 posts

I was recently in Finland for a week and I enjoyed it. I visited Turku and Helsinki and I wish I had time to do more. It was quietly relaxing with no big crowds and pleasant weather. My accommodations had a sauna and I went once or twice a day. There's lots of nice nature and plenty to see and do. I think Finland is an overlooked part of Europe that people are missing out on. Have fun!

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1 posts

I’m going to Finland for three weeks in September. I’ll meet relatives I don’t yet know, and tour. I plan on renting a car for at least part of the trip. Any advice on the car rental?

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28562 posts

From the pedestrian's perspective, Finns are very courteous drivers. The pedestrians do their part by following the traffic signals, where present; you'll see very little against-the-light jaywalking even if the nearest vehicle is over a block away. At marked crosswalks with no traffic signals (of which there are a lot even in Helsinki), drivers stop for folks who look as if they might just possibly want to cross the street, maybe. They do not wait to stop until the pedestrian is actually off the curb and into the crosswalk. You probably will need to do that, too, lest you sideswipe locals who expect to be able to step off the curb with impunity.

I thought car traffic generally seemed quite light, but on the other hand, there are plenty of bicycles and electric scooters to contend with. The riders are not discourteous, but they are fast and confident, so they can seem to materialize out of nowhere.

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3146 posts

Diane, forgive me but I don't have the talent or dexterity for that at my age, 62. The synchronized riding part looks like it would take a lot of practice and I just know I'd screw things up and let down the team. Thank you though for the encouragement, but like Clint Eastwood famously said, "A man needs to realize his limitations."

Evan, I was in Finland for a military exercise and fell in love with the country and its people, but I'm afraid I don't know much about the rental car situation.

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2252 posts

Dressage!! Those videos were so much fun to watch. I think you should do it!