Can anyone comment on guidebooks to Finland? I see Rick's store sells his Scandinavian guidebook which, looking at the Table of Contents, has about 50 pages on Finland out of 900+ and he also sells the Lonely Planet Finland guide.
The RS book was published in July 2024.
The Lonely Planet in Rick's store was published in May 2018. I see on the Lonely Planet website there is a later edition from July 2023.
The travelers: My nephew, who is in his 30's, and a group of his friends are going to Finland in July with a focus of playing disc golf because apparently the number of courses is "insane" (where oh where is the eyeroll emoji, lol!!). I have no idea where these insane courses are but it seems like they will be traveling all over. I am sure they are not into cultural/historical sites but thought if they had a guidebook they MIGHT work in some things if nearby. The friend group went to Playa del Carmen in January and actually did go see some of the ruins.
As a loving Auntie, I'm thrilled he is going to Europe! His first trip was 12 years ago when we all went on the Heart of Italy tour, and yes, he and his brother spent a day after the tour in Pistoia playing disc golf, lol. (And another yes, the kiddos who have never lived where there is pubic transit figured out the train from Firenze to Pistoia with the help of the RS guide, lol).
Anyway, any comments would be appreciated!