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York and Bath...

My husband and I will be Cambridge for a week in mid-October and have 6 days afterwards to travel around by rail. We really want to see Bath and have gotten recommendations to also see York. We don't want to be spread too thin and are looking for any tips on whether we should see other pretty towns in the South instead? We've been to Oxford twice (loved it), Chipping Campden and London a few years ago. Thank you for any help!

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5140 posts

...have 6 days afterwards...really want to see Bath...recommedations to see York...don't want to be spread too thin...other pretty towns in the South...

You will probably lose most of a day anytime you relocate. So you might want to consider only two locations and short day trips from each. I'd suggest two days in York and three in Bath. Just food for thought.

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7326 posts

If you want to do York and Bath, then do them as a circle back to London-

train Cambridge to Peterborough, change for York;

then York to Bristol, change for Bath.

then Bath back to London Paddington

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2204 posts

Just concentrate on those two places. There's loads to do in both and they are sufficiently different.

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1227 posts

both are good choices for visits. Read thru the Rick Steve or other guidebook to see what sights/activities there are in each town and options for daytrips, perhaps also watch YouTube walking tours or city highlight videos. Then make sample daily schedules for Bath and York of the things you like, to see how you could spend time and check that you're not trying to do too much per day. Some people could spend all 6 days in one of the towns, others might find 3 days in each is enough or they'd be out of things to do. Or maybe you find nothing sounds too exciting, then it's time to start looking at those pretty towns in the South you mentioned. It's all personal choice; I know mine but yours may be different.

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2 posts

Thank you for all your great recommendations! We're kind of leaning towards less is more and focusing on either Bath or York but also hope that we're not being too wimpy in doing so.

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7326 posts

If you want to do both Bath and York then I don't see why not.

You will probably lose most of a day anytime you relocate.

I don't agree. Cambridge to York is about 2 hours 30 minutes and York to Bath is about 4 hours. Neither of which is "most of a day" to me.

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5140 posts

So the OP doesn't misunderstand my comment, it's not just the actual travel time that is lost. It is also the time to pack up, get to the train station, get tickets, and wait fro the train. Upon arrival one has to travel to the hotel, check in, perhaps unpack, and orient to one's new location. It goes without saying that the closer the locations are to each other the less time will be lost. Just offering clarification.