Oh my gosh, so many wonderful suggestions! Thanks to everything for your ideas! And of course, I totally forgot that hours might change on Sundays. Duh!
Gerry, thanks for the suggestions! The only thing is that Eataly is a bit farther north so we'd have to head up there, then back down again, which would add a lot of time to the walk. I'd rather find something along the way or relatively close. But it looks good, and I will add it to my list for potentially another time!
Rebecca, I didn't even realize that Leadenhall Market was so close. Unfortunately, it looks like most of those places are closed on Sundays, or close early. But good to know for when we do go there, as it is on our agenda because of the HP thing. Thank you!
Helen, thanks for the tip about Brewdog—very good to know! And I will check out Pizza Express. The kids do like pizza. :-)
Stuart: That's very good to know about the pubs on Sunday evening. That's one thing I was thinking about, which is why I posted this question. Thank you!
Plectrude: That's a great idea, although it's a bit farther than I was hoping for. We certainly don't mind walking a distance but since it will be evening, I'd like to get as close to the Tower as possible so that we can just relax and eat and then make our way there. But thank you very much! Good to know for future reference.
Claudia: Thanks! I will check it out.
Golden Girl: Thanks so much for the ideas! I do like the Wagamama idea, and Haz might work, too. We all love Mediterranean food. And thanks for the tip about checking hours. Yes, I will do that. :-)
geepepper: Ha, I love the name and that would have been a good idea. I'll add it to my list, though, as we could possibly go another time. Thanks!
Cat, that's a possibility. It's not too much extra time to walk over the bridge, and the kids would enjoy it, I think; especially at night with all the lights. There are some good choices there, including another Mediterranean place called Tower Bridge Kitchen just over the bridge that looks interesting. It would add a bit more to the walk but it is doable. Thank you!
Golden Girl: So many great ideas—I'm spoiled for choice! All three of those look great! And I do like the idea of it being so close. I hate rushing to get somewhere and I want to get to the Tower a little early (although I know we'll just be sitting and waiting). :-)
Nigel: Good morning to you, too! It's nice here as well, although the warmer temps are causing the snow to melt. Thanks for the info on the Wagamama! The kids might enjoy that, as they do like Japanese cuisine. And I will let my granddaughter know about the noises, but she'll be fine. She plays soccer/football and is capable of screaming up a storm herself. :-) Thank you!