Has anyone used Hyde Park Stables or Ross Nye Stables in London for a family horseback ride? We are planning a family trip to London for July, 2025. Two adults and 3 children ages 15, 12, and 10 would like to go for a horseback ride. If anyone has done this or can recommend a good possibility, we would appreciate hearing about it. How far in advance would you suggest booking? The riders are beginners to novice and ride once a year on vacation. We thought this could be really fun!
I assume you have looked at the websites for both, and are familiar with the prices.
I learned to ride (as an adult) at Hyde Park Stables in the 1990s. The horses are well trained with good temperaments. Staff are friendly and helpful.
It would be worth checking if there are weight restrictions.
It is worth mentioning that the stables are not in the park itself. There is a short ride through residential streets, then you have to cross a major, busy road before you enter the park.
The park itself has sandy rides, there can be a lot of people and dogs which add to the adventure!
Not trying to put you off, but a level of confidence is helpful.
I'd contact them well in advance to ask about availability, clothing requirements etc.
Hard hats are required -probably on loan.
Thank you! This is really helpful information. I appreciate your taking the time to reply. This is just the kind of information I was seeking!
I rode at Hyde Park a couple years ago. The ride goes through neighborhoods on the way to and from the park. Horse was an old school horse, safe for anyone. They also had a pony for youngsters. They’ll put the beginners on a lead line.
Overall I’d say it was interesting riding through the mews, something horsey to do but I doubt if I will do it again. The kids will have fun. I can’t remember how far in advance I booked, at least a month and paid in advance. For 5 riders, I’d contact them earlier. You can’t walk up and want to ride. They have helmets and paddock boots for riders.
I try to ride or do something horsey on each trip. My bad back prevents me from riding longer than an hour and walk only. Riding on the Appian Way in Rome was much more interesting for Roman scenery.
Thank you! It is great to read about your experience! It sounds like Hyde Park Stables would be a good option.