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When is the tour over

Our Best of England tour officially finishes "after breakfast". We are meeting somebody a 30 minute tube ride away and wondering what time "after breakfast" will be. I'd guess around 9 or 10am we'd be OK to travel?

Any help is appreciated

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1941 posts

On RS tours the group activities are effectively over with the farewell dinner on the last night. Breakfast is available the next morning and the guide will be around to answer questions, help provide guidance.

So you are free to leave at anytime.

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3522 posts

You can leave anytime you want.

There are no official activities planned on the final morning of any RS tour. The most organized event that happens, other than having breakfast at the hotel, is people grouping up to share a ride to the airport if they are leaving at similar times during the day.

During the Volcano issue a few years ago, we had several people depart the tour right after/during dinner the night before because their airline informed them they had empty seats and could not guarantee the flights would go the next day. While that is extreme, nothing is holding you back.

Since I usually hang out a day or two after the tour ends usually staying in the same hotel, I end up wishing everyone from the tour a good journey after breakfast on that last day as I gather my plans.

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16895 posts

And you're right, most hotels would finish breakfast service between 9:00 and 10:00 and request check-out by 11:00.