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What is open during UK general election?

We're set to arrive in the UK on July 4 and we noticed on the news today that the Prime Minister has called for a general election that day. We are wondering what might be open/closed such as Tower of London, British Museum, banks? We're not very familiar with the process in the UK and how much it does/does not affect site openings and general services. Any information will be greatly appreciated!

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5436 posts

The sort of places that get closed for a general election are unlikely to affect most visitors. Polling stations and counting stations may close parts of local amenities such as church halls and leisure centres for example. The operation of Parliament will be changed which may affect visits there.

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7546 posts

Banks and shops will be open, as will tourist attractions. Essentially life just carries on as normal, except for those directly involved in the election process.

I would guess that we could see a pause in the rail strikes now until after the election, in case that is construed as electioneering, but time will tell on that count.