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Westminster Abbey: Verger-led Tour and/or London Walk tours?

Hello all. Husband and I will be back in London mid September for 5 days (Monday 9/14; depart Saturday 9/19). We spent 2+ weeks in London a few years ago and saw all the major sights including a rather rushed & very crowded visit to Westminster Abbey. However, we'd love to go back to the Abbey and spend more time there for a more in-depth look. I've been looking at various options and would love to hear your recommendations about the tours available.

Am thinking of doing the Abbey's Verger-led tours on Tuesday morning, get a quick lunch nearby afterward, then perhaps do the Tuesday London Walks at 2pm "Old Westmister - 1,000 Years of History" two-hour tour. Does anyone know if that includes a tour of the Abbey? Their website summary seems a bit vague but also seems to include other sites. Alternatively, am looking to instead move our "Abbey day" to Friday and do only the London Walks "Secrets of Westminster Abbey" tour at 10.45 am (2 hours) then just roam on our own. We've not yet been inside the Parliament buildings so not sure yet how to go about gaining access...still researchingthat. Any comments, recommendations or suggestions would be most appreciated...Cheers!

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33148 posts

I've just come off the phone to London Walks.

The Old Westmister - 1,000 Years of History walk only walks around the outside of the Abbey, it doesn't go inside. The SECRETS OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY, "a three-dimensional walk-through history of England" does go inside and gives a discount and skip the line privileges (with the group).

Check to make sure that the Abbey is open on the day you want to go - for example on the 6th of July there is no tour inside.

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1243 posts

Hi, Jan.

I did the Old Westminster - 1000 Years of History walk a number of years ago. As I recall, the walk does not go inside any buildings. We walked around the grounds of the Abbey, but going inside was not part of this tour. You may want to contact London Walks to confirm that this is an outside walk. I have never been able to match my schedule with the Walks Secrets of Westminster Abbey tour - but I keep looking each time I am in London. Last summer, I did manage to make it from Heathrow to be in line when the Abbey opened. Yes, I did a rushed tour on my own, but then had breakfast in the cafe. I enjoyed that. Evensong may also be an option to explore.


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8825 posts

If schedule permits I'd chose the Secrets of Westminster Walks tour. Such a magnificent place of history and a place where it pays to have guide.

As far as visiting Parliament. My friends and I booked for a tour later this year which includes tea service. NOT cheap but their first ever visit to London so why not?! What's a more iconic view of London than the Parliament building and an afternoon tea?!? We will pick up tickets morning of. Voucher already printed and stashed away!!

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132 posts

I went on the Secrets of Westminster Tour with London Walks and it was fantastic. It was great to be able to skip the line as it was very long the day we were there. We waited outside for 10-15 minutes while our guide purchased tickets then went right in. It was a thoughtful and informative tour and it was well worth the money.

Posted by
123 posts

Ok - Thanks everyone...Looks like we'll go ahead and do the London Walks "Secrets of Westminster Abbey" tour. Sounds like a winner! You folks are great!

Posted by
68 posts

Sounds like a winner and you all have sold me on the idea of "Secrets of Westminster Abbey" tour as well. A good tour + the bonus of cutting down on line-standing = a great idea. :)

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44 posts

Claudia -

I did the Parliament tour and tea in May. The tour was very informative and well worth it. However, the tea was a major disappointment. It is over priced. I thought I'd have a wonderful view looking out over the Thames but you sit in a large white tent. Had expected a large room with wood paneling. Something that looked very unique. Nothing really unique or special in my opinion. Spend the money on a nice restaurant.