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Walking Cycleway 6 in London?

I am planning a day in London that includes a guided tour at the Museum of the Order of St. John in Clerkenwell.
The suggested walking route from there back to our lodging near the Millennium Bridge (north side of the river) uses Cycleway 6 for a good bit. Is this a good idea? Will there be lots of cyclists whizzing past? Or is the path marked in separate lanes for walkers and cyclists?

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1496 posts

It looks like Cycleways are painted lanes on the city streets. You can probably walk on the sidewalk.

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1292 posts

Cycleways are just suggested routes for cyclists that have cycle lanes for most of the duration. These are usually on the road not the footpath but sometimes it might be shared. It’s just a normal road that’s been there for probably hundreds of years not a piece of separate cycling infrastructure.

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9101 posts

Use the sidewalks. No need to walk in the road or on a cycle path.

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17238 posts

OK, thanks. I thought it was some kind of dedicated cycle path, not a city street. We will be happy walking on the sidewalk.

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1087 posts

Lola - in this case it is a dedicated cycle lane. CS6 is one of London’s network of cycle superhighways that criss-cross the city. They are dedicated lanes for use by cyclists and not by pedestrians. They are heavily used to get round the city - cycling is most of the time the fastest way to get round on the surface, quite a bit faster than cars or buses.

Invariably there will be pavements next to them that you can use and the CS routes can be handy to use for navigation as they are painted bright blue.