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wainwright (Coast to Coast) Trail

we are doing the western half of the Wainwright next month and have heard there are maps that we can down load to our I Phones for offline use to help us stay on the planned path. I know the iPhone has the capacity for geolocation that operates independently from cell towers, so we'll always have a compass and geolocation available during the hike, but has anyone purchased downloadable maps (useable when offline) as a guide for the Wainwright ?

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1115 posts

There are technological solutions but you simply can’t beat Ordnance Survey maps.

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83 posts

In addition to the excellent Steadman guidebook and its detailed maps, and the OS maps, I also downloaded the Far Out app and its map of the C2C when I did it a couple years ago. My hiking companions also had downloaded to their phones other online versions created from gpx files. The western half is the least well signed portion of the C2C, but there are some, often homemade, at junctions or trickier points. You just have to look for them sometimes. Enjoy the hike, it's definitely an experience!

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1338 posts

Hi cardiffjops -

While I would agree that Ordnance Survey maps are the way to go, if they prove a tad expensive in either downloadable or hard copy versions, then as a back up, Harvey Mountain Maps do a good ‘strip map’ of the whole route in hard copy format. Being strip maps they only allow you to get lost a little bit before you drop off the map though! Also do carry a guide book, either the most up to date ‘Wainwright’ original guide or the, more common these days, Henry Stedman guide.


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105 posts

We have done nine long distance walks in rhe UK, including the Coast to Coast, and highly recommend the Trailblazer guides in addition to paper maps. To quote from the Amazon blurb:
"...[T]own plans and large-scale walking maps – at just under 1:20,000 – showing route times, places to stay, places to eat, points of interest and much more. These are not general-purpose maps but fully-edited maps drawn by walkers for walkers."