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victoria area to heathrow

Hello! looking for advice - 3 of us staying in the Victoria area - flight leaves from Heathrow on a Saturday morning (1025am) ... aware we should check in about 3 hours prior to departure......... seeing so many options for getting to airport but would we be better off staying at an airport hotel the night before? Thanks!

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449 posts

My favorite area when staying in London is Victoria. Assuming that you should be at the airport by, say, 8:00 am, I would have no problem relying on the Tube to get there so long as you are not bringing a lot of luggage. My only problem would be going down stairs to the tube platform which you will have to do at Victoria or Pimelco (please correct me if I am wrong). I would prefer to hang out in that part of London for another evening instead of staying at an airport hotel.

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14 posts

Our hotel is between Victoria and Pimlico and there are 3 of us with suitcases and carry on bags... I wonder if it would be advisable to take a taxi to somewhere on the picadilly line? (Or Paddington).... Just want to make sure we allow enough time for check in!

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5387 posts

Step free options:

Bus 38 from Victoria to Green Park then Piccadilly
Bus 36/436 to Paddington, then Heathrow Express
Coach from Victoria Coach station (Buckingham Palace Road).

The above all have drawbacks of one kind or another, but negotiating Victoria Underground Station is fairly awful with any significant amount of luggage. If you use it during your stay, which you probably will, you can make up your mind whether you'd manage it. Similarly from Pimlico where you have the initial stairs but no more after that if you change at Green Park.

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212 posts

I hope your trip is great. And you are right, there are so many options for getting to the airport. The very easiest of all is to have your hotel set up a cab for pick up Saturday morning around 6:30. No stairs, no changes, no dragging your cases. And with 3 of you to split the cost it really isn't over-the-top expensive.

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8293 posts

There is a transfer service called Just Airports, which I have never used but which has a good reputation. No doubt less expensive than a taxi.

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1266 posts

Victoria - You could take a cab to Paddington Station and the take the Heathrow Express or the Heathrow Connect to the airport.

The Heathrow Express takes about 15 minutes and cost as little as £12.10(If you buy your tickets 90 days in advance). The first Express train of the day departs at 05:10 and the at 25 40 55 10 past the hour. On Sunday First train departs 06:25, then every 15 minutes . Check out for more information.

The Heathrow Connect takes about 25 minutes and cost £10.20. The first Connect train departs Paddington Station at 04:42 and the at 33 03 past the hour. Check out for more information.

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3267 posts

We used to always stay in the Victoria Station area. It is easy: get on the District Line and get off at Baron's Court (less crowded and even easier than Hammersmith as you just walk across the platform with no crowds). Then hop on the Picadilly Line to your terminal. We used to take the tube, but there was never more than two of us. It is quite easy. I wouldn't bother with a taxi to Paddington for the Heathrow Express as it costs too much getting over there and then the Express costs more as well for each person (did that the first ever London trip). If you all decide against the Tube, just take a taxi from Victoria Station to the airport and split the cost. And if you have British pounds to blow, just taxi it.

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14 posts

Great suggestions! Will weigh the tube / Heathrow connections vs taxi ......may depend on how awkward the luggage is at the end of the holiday...thank you all for your help!

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3392 posts

For me personally, I always save myself the stress of navigating the tube with luggage if I can. Since you're going to the airport on a Saturday morning (very little traffic!) I would completely forget the tube and just hire a cab. The time difference will be negligible and the small, additional cost is entirely worth not having to drag luggage around underground IMHO.

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32274 posts


The easiest solution (especially with luggage) and also cheapest is likely to take a National Express Coach from Victoria Coach station to Heathrow. The current cost is listed at £6.00 PP. The coach station is very easy to reach from the Victoria Station / Pimlico area.

Posted by
14 posts

Thank you all! We ended up taking a taxi due to having 3 full size suitcases and carry on back packs. The hotel booked the taxi for us (55 GBP - split 3 ways) It took about 25 minutes from the Luna Simone Hotel to Heathrow (terminal two) on saturday morning. :)

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32274 posts


Glad to hear that everything worked out. I also stayed at Luna Simone several months ago, and really enjoyed my visit.