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UK to scrap 100ml liquid rule

The UK government has given airports a June 2024 deadline to install new 3D security scanners. When done, it will allow passengers to increase the liquids they can bring in carry-on bags from 100 ml to two liters. It will also mean that electronics will not have to be removed from the bags.

Posted by
1929 posts

Still a ways off but I hope it goes into effect. Looking forward to the day I can carry on a bottle or two of a special scotch!

Posted by
12229 posts

The target date is June 2024, and those airports that do not have the new scanners will employ/enforce the current rules.

Will be interesting to see how the roll out goes.

Don't toss your '3-1-1' bags yet

Posted by
250 posts

A few of points:

  • The UK Govt mandated this in 2019 for introduction in 2022, it did'nt happen.

  • All other major aviation nations would either have to agree or be on the same timescale. What would happen if a transist airport still had the liter 100ml rule?

  • Some airports don't insist on electronic to be removed now.

The 1 litre bags and 100ml rules are here for the forseeable.

Posted by
16742 posts

The UK Govt mandated this in 2019 for introduction in 2022, it did'nt happen.

It was postponed due to Covid.

All other major aviation nations would either have to agree or be on the same timescale. What would happen if a transist airport still had the liter 100ml rule?

Not necessarily. It would be up to the passenger to know if their transit airport still had the 100ml rule. Just like a passenger would have to know if they needed a visa or not.

Some airports don't insist on electronic to be removed now.

And some airports don't require the 3-1-1 bag to be removed.

The target date is June 2024, and those airports that do not have the new scanners will employ/enforce the current rules.

It's not a target date. It's a mandated date.

Posted by
250 posts

Its not mandated, to do that it would have to be set in law and go through Parliment and yet it has not done so. So, therefore as it stands it is a target. It was actually floated as far back as 2016 and pressure put on airports in 2019. This is the same.

It will require agreement from other civil avaition authorities around the world, that has yet to happen.

I'm not holding breath even for a 2024 date, just look how crossrail and HS2.

Posted by
6113 posts

London Gatwick have already installed the scanners as I didn’t have to remove electrical items when I flew out in October.

Posted by
250 posts

I predict chaos and confusion - the lifting of the 100 ml limit is subject to the installation of new scanners with the BBC report saying

"With the legislation being phased in across the country over the next two years, current rules will still apply at airports not using the technology. Passengers are advised to check this before travelling."

Leaving aside what happens on flights returning to the UK where the 100 ml limit still applies I await the first post complaining about the expensive drink/perfume being confiscated at airport X when it was allowed through 3 months previously at airport Y.

Posted by
250 posts

"It will be mandated as the government is introducing legislation today."

It takes month or even years to to introduce legislation, the current Govt may have submitted or in this case an intention a bill to take forward to the HoC but it is not law and as such it still remains a target. As it has to go through all the committees and due dilligence before going to a vote in the House. Given time is running out on this Parliament, to say it is legistation today is disengenous. If the big airport groups say it is unafforable they will lobby against it on basis of that and it unreasonable and they will throw in there is no international agreement and most likely put an alternative time frame forward for any implementation.

Posted by
250 posts

"It doesn't seem that you are laughing very much, Laughing Spam Fritter"

Offer an viable way forward Nige, please point out where I'm wrong on introducing law even if its unopposed - it still has to go through due dilligence and overview and scrunity as well as any conflict of interest and take into account any lobbying.

Posted by
4976 posts

This reminds me to point out, the British version of the TSA is more complicated than ours. As you approach the security line there are lines of employees handing out Ziploc bags and chanting a list of ALL the things that you have to put in the bag. It's quite extensive, basically the rule of thumb is to empty all your pockets into the damn bag and then almost everything in your carryon. As you approach the metal detectors they will start telling you whether to do the shoes and belt shuffle (it seems like usually yes but not always). Be very, very mindful of where all your stuff is at all times, the reassembly process takes quite a while.