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Twotogether card - my experience

I just bought a Twotogether card over the weekend, here was my experience FWIW.

I had my desktop and my cellphone and found that it really took the two working together to get things done. The application I filled out and paid for on my computer, and that's also where I found and cropped my two photos from my Google photo library. Then as you upload that info, you need to download an app onto your phone (or maybe two, I'm blocking here) and then they send confirmation codes to your email that need to go into your app (so again the computer came in handy here). Then you end up with the card in the app on your phone.

I used a Chase credit card and it went through just fine, no issues.

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7777 posts

You’ll appreciate having the 2 Together pass, phred. It practically paid for itself when we used it for the Heathrow Express into London from the airport this spring, but it’s also been used for several train journeys since then.

Our “card” is digital, on my smartphone. I didn’t think that they’ve issued physical cards for several years. We never got a plastic card in the mail, but maybe you will, as you indicate. Happy rail travel, and happy savings!

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284 posts

I was very happy with the Two Together rail card we purchased for our trips from London-York, York-Edinburgh, and Edinburgh-London in June, 2023. It definitely paid for itself and made it easy to splurge for first-class tickets for the last trip. I expected to be asked to display the card for each leg, but it only happened on the York-Edinburgh portion.

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1079 posts

Physical railcards are still very much available. You can get one on the spot at a station as long as you have passport sized photos* for the two of you. It will take a few minutes. Or you can do it online and have the card on your phones.

  • - whilst the photos need to be passport sized they do not need to follow all the rules about photos for passports - as long as you're recognisable it will be fine.
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7326 posts

If you buy on line and you want a physical railcard mailed to you, rather than a virtual one, there is a box to tick on the form for that option.

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2798 posts

You really don’t need to buy the railcard before you leave. Once in London or ant train station you can by it then, as long as you have it before your first train trip you will be fine. Sometimes they ask to SS it and other times they don’t.

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2053 posts

We too saved a lot and splurged on first class for a longer journey and…I think I even got a bowl of macaroni and cheese, big surprise! We aren’t too computer savvy but did manage to print out the form and had it filled in along with our photos and the gracious folks at the station did the rest. I was concerned my photos were wrong sized, but they cheerfully took the scissors to them and we were on our way. This was a few years ago but seems is still an option. We just allowed a bit of extra time. Have a great trip and safe travels.