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Turner Prize at the Tate Britain

Has anybody here been recently to the Tate Britain? If want to know if you have been to the Turner Prize exhibition and can report on viewing the red convertible Ford Mk3 Cabriolet Escort XR3i under a massive crocheted doily accompanied by exceptionally loud music?

I wonder how it is received. On show 25 September 2024 – 16 February 2025

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I have not seen it. I really should make the effort to go down.

Most people don't like contemporary art but I kinda do. This is a bit too much personal info and I'll edit it later, but I worked at the Tate for some years and met numerous Turner Prize winners through helping them show or produce work. I hope the work I did with Lawrence Abu Hamdan in 2018 helped him win in some small way (in 2019).

I could probably bash out 1000 words on my favourite past Turner Prize winners and why I like them. Might be semi-interesting to the minority who have an interest in such things.