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TSA Question

Hey silly question! We’re leaving in a few days and are trying to stick to just a carry on. I know liquids have to be in a clear quart size bag- does it specifically have to be a ziplock style bag or can it be a plastic one with a bottom and zipper? The one we got from amazon says taa approved but I would hate to get there and have to throw things away!

Thank you!

Posted by
1686 posts

As long as it’s quart-sized and clear, you’re fine. So the one you described will be ok. I’ve actually seen larger clear plastic bags go through but there were obviously very few things inside. So the TSA agent exercised common sense and didn’t question it.

Posted by
9375 posts

Can you see through it? That’s the point of ziplock bags.

What liquids are you putting in the bag?

You never know with TSA.

Some agents complete sticklers, others will barely glance even as it goes through the X-ray machine.

Posted by
2710 posts

I have used the one you describe with a bottom and zipper, TSA approved on the outside, and not had a problem going through Heathrow and SFO.

Posted by
8073 posts

As a public service (and probably also to keep things moving), they hand out free plastic bags at airports in England, in case you forgot yours. Those are bigger than a U.S. quart, not by much, but those go through in the U.K. and the U.S.A. So "about a quart," as long as it closes, is what they're looking for.

And, as a reminder, not only liquids, but also gels, creams, and pastes have to all go in that see-through bag.

Posted by
4725 posts

When leaving Heathrow, they have required us to use their baggies instead of the Target one we use everywhere else. I now take one with me so I can transfer my stuff before I get to Heathrow.

Posted by
5312 posts

Please note:
If you’re flying through Heathrow, you also need to include any liquid medications (eye drops, ear drops, etc) in your 3-1-1 quart size baggie.

I always travel with a couple of medicated eye and ear solutions, and have not had any issues when packed separately from my liquids, except when transferring at Heathrow Airport. The security agent emptied all my liquids and medications into a large plastic bin then gave me a small ziplock baggie and asked me to place all liquids into that baggie.

Have a wonderful trip!

Posted by
1662 posts

Hi Ross,

I can share my experiences, although there is no guarantee.

I have and use the clear, plastic, cosmetic cases you refer to. They are a wee bit bigger than a regular zip lock bag. They have the zipper and are more durable.

Many stores sell those now --- TJMaxx, Marshall's, Bed, Bath & Beyond and even Walmart and Target (even including the various sized jars and bottles.)

They do state "TSA approved." In the last couple of years, I have seen those bags from passengers being put in bins.

I have flown through Heathrow a number of times and was never questioned. But, if you are a bit nervous, keep a couple of zip lock bags in the front pocket of your luggage. The bags weigh nothing and you may need them on your trip elsewhere. I was never questioned at Logan either. (I also traveled Domestically on a couple of trips last year and was never questioned.)

I carry on and check. So, I split my toiletries accordingly. All my containers are not the full 3-oz size. I can fit a lot in the bags. If you are creative and good at decanting and organizing, you can take your favorites for your trip.

Posted by
23713 posts

If you have Precheck, you will just sail through. We do put some items in the 3-1-1 bag but never take it out. Coming home you will bump into a variety of procedures. A few years ago in Italy we had to put all the electronics in a plastic bag. Obviously not computers but cell phones, head phones, etc.

Posted by
3522 posts

And of course TSA only exists at US airports inside the US. Outside the US, which Heathrow is, TSA means nothing.

Others have made it through Heathrow with the plastic zipper bags, others have not. So just be ready to transfer your stuff into their compliant bag if asked. Hopefully being the end of your journey, you will have used up some of your containers and will have no issue fitting the remainder into whatever bag they provide or the quart sized ziplock bag you take with you.

Posted by
9 posts

Thanks everyone!! I'll make sure to pack a few ziplocks just in case- double checked and all my make up and lotions still fit! So glad I asked here- it definitely makes one less thing to stress about! Thank you all!

Posted by
3182 posts

I put gooey or runny liquids in a quart ziplock bag then put that into a zippered bag like yours. Then I put hair spray, mascara, non-gooey TSA “liquids” outside the ziplock bag but inside the zippered bag. I had hair gel leak on a flight from Hawaii so this keeps the mess confined.

Posted by
15803 posts

Flying out of London Heathrow, I've found that the security staff mostly act like petty dictators. Be sure to follow all the rules exactly.

Posted by
4074 posts

The liquid can be no more than 100ml/3/4 oz.

I don't know if other LHR terminals do this but departing Terminal 3 right before security, you will see 3-1-1 type bags available if you would like them. Boston's Logan Airport also gives them away at security at Terminal A.