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Trooping the Colour tips & tricks

As luck would have it, our London trip will be the same time as the Trooping the Colour parade. Our hotel is on Fleet Street - is walking to the parade route an option? And we know to pack food & drink but do you have any good advice on where to watch from and where public restrooms might be located? Thank you in advance!

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1077 posts

I have been to several Trooping the Colour, the Queen's Silver and Platinium Jubilee, and the Queen's Funeral. I have spent many times standing in the Mall waiting for the procession to pass by. If you are in London, it is something not to be missed. The procession will come down the Mall from Buckingham Palace and turn into Horse Guards Parade. Events begin at approximately 10.00 am, with the fly-past at 1.00 pm. The procession will then return up the Mall to Buckingham Palace. It is unlikely you can get tickets for the ceremony held at Horse Guards Parade, but you can stand along the Mall. Either side is fine. The best place is nearest to Buckingham Palace, but I doubt you will get a spot without turning up very very early. Your best chance is further down the Mall (more towards the turn into Horse Guards). You will need to arrive early morning, wait and stand. There will be food trucks with coffee and food if you need it. Take an umbrella if rain is forecast. Public restrooms are portapotties that are plentiful and lined up and down the Mall. (Just bring tissues, and hand gel, and use your phone's flashlight!). It will be about a 30 -45 min walk from Fleet Street. I would just take the tube then walk and find a spot on the Mall that is not too many people deep. Try to get a spot around 7-8 a.m.

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34583 posts

There are really four events related to the Trooping the Colour.

First is the procession down the Mall.

Second is the actual military ceremony, lots of horses, lots of music, the late Queen used to remain on horseback, in later years in a carriage and eventually remaining in a chair. It will be interesting to see how King Charles III receives the salute and inspects the troops. It is the turn of transition. Interesting.

Third is the procession back up the Mall, so folks who have hung around (most) will see the parade now in the opposite direction.

Fourth is the push of the crowd following the parade up to the Palace, and after some time the Royal Family usually comes out on to the balcony to be seen and to watch the Fly-Past.

It is a long day, and realize that nothing will be happening in the Mall during part two, which is the main part of the day, and takes a fair amount of time.

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8 posts

A very Maryland "Thank you" for all these words of wisdom - it's much appreciated and exactly what I needed. Cheers!