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Traveling to Newcastle through Dublin


I will be traveling to Newcastle with a layover in Dublin. The layover time is plenty long. My concern is that the flight arrives at 4 in the morning. What time does customs open at Dublin? I have heard that if your flight arrives before customs opens, they will make you stay on the plane and I don't want to be stuck on a plane for two hours after my flight arrives.

Thanks in advance!

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2585 posts

You will go through passport control in Dublin if you're coming from outside the Common Travel Area (UK and Ireland) before onward travel to Newcastle.

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6 posts

We are flying from the U.S. into Dublin, then flying to Newcastle. I should've mentioned the origin. So I don't need to be worried about being stuck on a plane?

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9101 posts

I’m curious why you believe or thought you’d be stuck on a plane?

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6 posts

I was told that customs doesn't open until 6 am and that if you have to go through customs, they will make you wait on the plane until it is open. I wanted to confirm that that information is false.

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7388 posts

If there are scheduled international flights due at any airport (Dublin or elsewhere) then immigration will be open.

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16068 posts

In Dublin, you will go through passport control and your checked luggage should go direct to Newcastle. At Newcastle, you will go through customs but if you have nothing to declare, you just walk through.