What is the best book for help in all three areas?
I would visit your local library and see what guides they have available for free. Look through several. Always go on the internet to find the current information about a site you are interested in seeing. Get your ideas from the guidebooks and current info from internet.
Carol is right; the library is the first place I begin. Which book/s to purchase depends how long your trip will be. If you have only a couple of weeks, you especially will want to narrow down the amount of land you cover. Decide on priorities before investing in multiple books. If you have several weeks and definitely plan to hit each country, the cost of a book on each country is minimal compared to the amount of money invested in the whole trip. Many publishers have a Great Britain edition which covers England and Scotland. You won't carry all the books with you. Tear out pages needed, photocopy, or use their ebook while on the trip.
In addition to Rick Steves' books, Lonely Planet has good guides. Our library (and their used book sale room) has Eyewitness guides which are great for enticing photos.