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Travel between Penzance and St Ives

Month of May
Bus or cab or train between Penzance & St Ives
Any car for hire companies?
Thank you

Posted by
131 posts

Train to St. Erth and then change trains to St. Ives. You pass through three stops.

Posted by
2402 posts

When we were there we got around by train and bus. They all run frequent enough to be of use.

Posted by
2540 posts

Go to Penzance station and ask for a day return to St.Ives and pay the fare and they give you the tickets. As stated above - change at St.Erth.

You certainly do not want to hire a car as you will see when you arrive.

Train fares and times >

Posted by
7391 posts

So long as you don't drive yourself there I doubt it matters
If you do drive there you end up parking high above the town and taking a costly shuttle bus in.
The easiest has to be by train- easy change at St Erth generally, but some through trains. Gets straight to the beach and frequent.
There are several regular bus routes and you end up at what is often said to be the most scenic bus station in the UK, and the most exotically named - Malakoff.
The 16 and the anti clockwise open top are the most direct routes.
From there just go down the hill and follow your nose.
The clockwise open top goes round by Lands End taking around 3 hours.
The streets are very narrow and reward wandering. There are only certain places a taxi can pick you up/set you down due to the narrow streets.

Posted by
1194 posts

Hello from Wisconsin,
Bus from St. Ives to Penzance and the reverse. Fairly quick considering the terrain.

Actually we were going from St.Just to St. Ives. YOu have to go to Penzance to get from one to the other.

wayne iNWI

Posted by
128 posts

We took 16 bus it was a breeze
Thank you for all your kind responses

Posted by
2540 posts

Pleased you enjoyed it. Well - that saved a load of money on hiring a car for a short journey!

Posted by
7391 posts

I didn't realise the journey was so imminent.

As these threads are also used as reference to others re- Wayne's comment- you don't have to go from St Just to St Ives via Penzance. That is usually quicker, but you can also take the Open Top bus clockwise round the coast between the two towns.
The via Penzance route starts on the 'Tin Coaster' bus route- although not advertised as such alternate journeys on that route are usually Open Top as well.