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Transportation Wembley Stadium to Hotel after Taylor Swift London

Seeking advice on transportation from Taylor Swift Concert at Wembley Stadium to hotel (back in London city, near Victoria Station). Trains not running that late. National Express shuttles don't go to the city center. Uber can't be pre-booked. Any suggestions?

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8810 posts

London deals with large crowds at special events frequently. It is impossible that there aren’t special arrangements that have been made to deal with transportation.

Even on a regular day without special arrangements, there are night buses that would go from Wembley to Victoria.

I suggest you download city mapper app. It makes getting around London very easy.

Posted by
7396 posts

Chiltern Railways for instance are running an enhanced service between Marylebone and Wembley Stadium with extra stops on some trains at Wembley and extra trains. Last Train to Marylebone at 0005.
The tube runs to Wembley Park until midnight normally. TfL know there is an event on so you can expect an enhanced service.
The last train from Wembley Central to Euston is at 2355, and the last tube from there to Central London at 0003.
Night bus N18 runs all night to Charing Cross from after the last tube every 15 minutes until start of tube next morning.

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1297 posts

The tube will be running. There is simply no other way to get that many people out of Wembley. It holds 100,000 people. The operation is well organised but he prepared to be patient.

Posted by
5429 posts

If you are going on 22 or 23 June Chiltern is not running any services to/from Wembley Stadium at all on those days as their trains are covering for the Euston - Birmingham New Street route closure.

Posted by
18 posts

We are going on 23 June and there are no train or tube options acailable

Posted by
18 posts

To clarify, by the time this concert is finished and we make our way out, it will be 0030 on 24 June at the earliest. I do appreciate the suggestions for the app for London transit info.

Posted by
7396 posts

I don't know why you think it will be 0030, by the time you leave.

National Express are running a fleet of event special buses to points round the country. By definition those will leave after the concert. National Express expect those to leave at 2300.

All the train providers are also expecting that kind of finish time. They won't all be imagining that.

I repeat such events are not unusual. Many Londoners do not have cars. This is NOT America. So most people will be using public transit afterwards, and that will be provided. 100,000 people are not going to be turned out onto the streets with no way to get home.

It just doesn't work like that in the UK, especially in London.

By then other concerts in the series will have happened round the country, so the true end time will be known.

TfL will update in due course but there quite simply must be contingency plans to cover for a delayed end time. Much the same applies to Edinburgh, Liverpool and wherever else is hosting these concerts. We are not the same car dependent culture, at least in the big cities.

PS- Last night in Edinburgh the concert finished at 2237'- source BBC news live feed.

Posted by
5429 posts

Scheduled finish time is 22:30. The Wembley Stadium transport planning is based around capacity to clear the stadium area within 90 minutes.

Posted by
1297 posts

Exactly. The finish time of the concert will always be in coordination with transport options. You will get back to central London. It will be slow and extremely busy but it will happen.

As others have said there are 100,000 people at the concert and I’d guess 99% will have arrived by public transport. It’s just not going to happen that there is no way for people to get home and all these people have to sleep on the streets!

Posted by
299 posts

The show on the 23rd is starting and ending even earlier due to curfew, so I believe there won't be any issue getting the tube. I think it's supposed to end before 10pm actually.

Posted by
1087 posts

Local authority curfews are usually earlier on Sundays than Fridays and Saturdays. Even Glastonbury has to shut its main stages earlier on Sunday.