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Transfer time Heathrow

If I arrive on BA from Amsterdam 2 hours before outgoing flight on BA to US is that enough time? don't you have to clear security again at Heathrow? Thank you!

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5507 posts

Single ticket or separate ones?

You always need to go through security again if arriving from a non UK airport.

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5507 posts

Rather too close for comfort, even with no checked bags. With them forget it.

BA takes the risk on a 75 minute transfer on a single itinerary (or 90 if it involves a T5 to T3 transfer). I wouldn't if I were responsible if things went awry.

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12259 posts

If you have checked luggage your chance of success is somewhere near 0.000000001%

With carry on only I would call it 50/50.

If both flights are on BA, why do you have separate tickets? Does BA sell your planned flights as a single ticket? If not, that should be a big clue about the advisability of what you are attempting.

You will go through security between flights.

good luck

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3384 posts

My experience is 5 years old and before, many times. BA is the airline I usually use to Europe, and have many times before 2020. So consider if things have changed...but not sure how they would have.

BA is mostly in Terminal 5. If your flights are both in Terminal 5, you have carryon only and your flights are on time, you have plenty of time. I found that it took me 45-60 minutes to get back into the gate area for my departing flight, where I would then wait for the gate to be assigned. You do go back through security. Your risk is if your Amsterdam flight is delayed, because you would miss your most expensive flight. Is there a way you can get them changed into one ticket? Then if you miss your US flight, it's on them to get you home, not on you.

Posted by
16790 posts

Four hours is better than two. Your flight from AMS to LHR arrives in T5. Since we don't know where you are flying to, we can't know is your connections involves a terminal change.

Plug your flight into this website for step by step instructions on your transfer:

A few thoughts...if you have checked luggage, you would normally have to go through immigration, collect your luggage, recheck it in, go through security and then to your gate. However, if you can have it checked through when you check in at AMS, you could then stay airside at Heathrow. BA may or may not do this.

If you only have carry on, and can get your boarding pass for the second flight before arriving at Heathrow, you could technically stay airside, follow the "Flight Connection" signs and only have to go through security.

Check ahead of time to see if your flight to the US is out of T5 or T3. BA also flys out of T3.

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5507 posts

BA has a policy of no through checking on multiple tickets. Outstations might occasionally do it by unfamiliar local staff but nothing to count on.