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Train from London to York on 4 Jan

We've purchased tickets on a Grand Central train from London to York on 4 Jan 23. Looking at all of the strike info it doesn't look like GC is directly affected by the strike on these days... or am I just being overly optimistic? Based on y'alls experience, is it likely that this train will be canceled? Should we be planning alternate arrangements or just wait until we're notified of a cancelation?

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5 posts

Thank you, this is completely new to me and I didn't quite understand what I was looking at on the GC strike info page!

So on 3&4 Jan under London King's Cross to Northallerton its showing 3 trains leaving at 11:25, 12:56 and 14:24 arriving at those other stations at the times listed. Seems so simple now!

Since we have reserved seats on the 11:25 train, if that train is canceled, would they typically move us to the next train or just cancel our tickets?

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2658 posts

Today the RMT are on strike (signallers etc). You can check whether your train is running by clicking the following link and in your case put KGX in the location box. You can press the back hour symbol to check if it ran today - which would be a good indication of the likelihood of it running on 4 January

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2632 posts

If the train is cancelled, you can wait at the station to see if the next train turns up.

Do bear in mind that even if the trains are running it is quite possible that reservations are lifted meaning that you don't get a reserved seat - get on board and sit anywhere - or you stand.

They won't cancel your ticket - you can request a refund or travel on one of the alternative dates listed in the link

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5499 posts

So on 3&4 Jan under London King's Cross to Northallerton its showing 3 trains leaving at 11:25, 12:56 and 14:24 arriving at those other stations at the times listed. Seems so simple now!

Also shown on sites such as Realtimetrains, which licenses the open data feeds from Network Rail. So it is certainly 'in' the current timetable to be running, although as always no guarantee that it will.

Since we have reserved seats on the 11:25 train, if that train is canceled, would they typically move us to the next train or just cancel our tickets?

They will try to accommodate you but I would expect the 12:56 would be pretty busy, as will most trains on strike days. There may be arrangements with LNER if you have a GC only ticket but you might have to buy a new ticket and claim the refund on the GC one.

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33 posts

We had train tickets from London to York on one of the strike days back in October. Our train company was still running the York to London route but they did reduce he number of runs they made that day and they canceled our trip without notifying us. Fortunately I had checked and was able to request a refund and get new reservations for the same day just slightly later than the original reservation. So my advice is to keep verifying that the route is still running.

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5 posts

Thank you all for this info, it's very helpful! I know you and your families who are dealing with this strike issue on a daily basis are way more frustrated than I am, so I truly appreciate y'all taking the time to help us navigate this!

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2658 posts

In the event of a train cancellation, you can usually get to your destination on the next available service - even if it means using a different route/company. If the Grand Central train was cancelled, go to LNER and explain the situation and if they have space, they are highly likely to let you board their train without having to buy a new ticket.

Fewer trains are running during the strike days but fewer Brits are travelling due to the disruption - thus freeing up space for those with essential travel. It looks like that during strike days a service (reduced) is being maintained on some of the main lines such as London to York/ Newcastle/Edinburgh/Leeds; London to Birmingham; London to Cardiff and London to Plymouth. (That is not the complete list).