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Tower of London, 'End of Day' timing workable?

We (two of us) will be in London overnight, the end of august, and wondering if we could successfully 'miss' some of the crowds by going later in the day. Such as, get timed tickets for entrance for 2ish, do white tower, walls, then make the last Yoeman Warder tour at 15:30 and then go to jewels for the last entrance of the day. I realize that this is peak tourist time, and there is no way to miss crowds (other than being first), but does this merit consideration? Thoughts? Also, about how long does that Warder tour last?

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358 posts

The Tower is still busy later - although will be thinning out. But even if it is less crowded the flip is that you won't have long there.

I've not seen a warder tour run with much less than forty or fifty people, regardless of time.

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11728 posts

The Beefeater Tour is conducted throughout the day, with tours starting every 30 minutes. The tour lasts for approximately 60 minutes and is included in the price of admission to the Tower of London. During the tour, the Beefeaters will take visitors around the Tower, providing insights into its history and answering any questions.

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33508 posts

I am a long time member and relatively frequent visitor to the Tower. I always tag along on the Beefeater talks - I enjoy watching reactions especially children.

The fewest I've had on the tour was just my wife and I and another couple (not this year) and the most was about 30 (also not this year).

There's only so much room inside St Peter ad Vincula chapel and I've never felt crowded in there.

The only problem I see with going late is that you are limiting all the other things that might attract you while there - like taking time with the Ravens or walking the battlements or time with the many many displays in the White Tower or discovering old old graffiti or the small chapel.....

leave enough time for serendipity...

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30 posts

Thankyou all for your helpful replies, I have what I need to work our best possible visit. All we need is time, and patience.