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The Coronation- Big Screens

For anyone in the UK on Coronation Day, but wants to see it other than on the TV )or even actively avoid it) it has been announced that there will be big screens at various locations around the country.
Further sites to these may be added later.
North West
Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester
Anglican Cathedral. Manchester (open from 9.30 am)
Parliament Square, Oldham
Liverpool- Eurovision Village, Pier Head
Cumbria (for the Lake District)-Workington Leisure Centre and Carlisle Bitts Park (neither of these are on the government website- this is a local announcement, but the events are open to all).
Cumbria (for the Lake District)- Penrith- the Rheged Centre.
North East
Sunderland, Hylton Castle, Barnes Park, Backhouse Park and Washington Galleries
Newcastle Upon Tyne Times Square
Durham City Rugby Football Club (advance booking required at this location)
Houghton-le-Spring Rectory Park
Northumberland, Alnwick Castle
Darlington Market Square, Darlington
Skipton Canal Basin
Yorkshire and Humber
City Hall, Hull
Trinity Market, Hull
City Park, Bradford
Piece Hall, Halifax
St Peter’s Parish Church, Huddersfield
Dewsbury Library, Dewsbury
Millenium Square, Leeds
Pontefract Castle, Wakefield
Peace Gardens, Sheffield
The Glass Works, Barnsley
South West
Bristol Cathedral, Bristol
Bristol and Bath Science Park, Bristol
Lower Gardens, Bournemouth
Baiter Park, Poole
The Quomps, Christchurch
Plymouth, The Barbican
Osborne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight- SOLD OUT
Powderham Castle, Starcross, Devon
South East
Jubilee Square, Brighton
London (locations- see special post below- Hyde Park, Green Park and St James' Park)
Centenary Square, Birmingham
Broadgate, Coventry
Himley Hall, Dudley
Sandwell Valley Showground, Sandwell
The Core, Solihull
Derby Cathedral, Derby
Smithfield, Hanley City Centre, Stoke-on-Trent
Nottingham, Castle
De Montfort University, Leicester
East Anglia
Ely Cathedral
Cardiff Castle, Cardiff
Edinburgh-Princes Street Gardens
Glasgow Cathedral
Oban St John's Episcopal Cathedral
Isle of Skye- not a big screening, but a Public Royal Tea Party on Monday 8 May- hosted by the Portree & Bracadale Free Church (in aid of their new building fund) at the Skye Camanachd Clubhouse, Struan Road, Portree (from 1pm to 3.30pm)
Northern Ireland
Belfast City Hall, Belfast
Marine Gardens, Carrickfergus
Town Park, Larne

Posted by
882 posts

Not just the east, Nigel. So far, nothing for Isle of Wight or Portsmouth. It does say that more sites will be added, so hope springs eternal.

Posted by
2703 posts

I am actively avoiding it, myself and several friends are going to Krakow for a week , we booked it as soon as the dates for the Coronation was annouced.

Posted by
8693 posts

Shoot, nothing in Glasgow yet? I'm not sure it's worth going to Edinburgh for the day.

Posted by
5604 posts

Not just the east, Nigel. So far, nothing for Isle of Wight or Portsmouth.

There's a permanent big screen in Portsmouth's Guildhall Square so I suspect that it will be shown there, most big events have been.

Posted by
8882 posts

This is where the big screens will be in Hyde Park, London, for Coronation Day-

and in Green Park/St James' Park-

These viewing areas will be open from 6am on Saturday morning,

and in St James' Park for the Concert on the Sunday night-

This will be open from 4pm, ready for the start of the concert at 8pm.

Posted by
8882 posts

For Mardee, a big screen has now been added at Glasgow Cathedral- good news there! (I don't have emoticons, sorry)

Posted by
8693 posts

Thank you so much, Stuart! I can’t wait to watch it on the big screen in Glasgow. It seems almost surreal in a way. Thank you for letting me know!

Posted by
1565 posts

Do we think many people will attend these events? Enthusiasm for the coronation seems very low. There aren’t going to be many street parties and a recent poll shows the majority of people aren’t interested in it. That seems true to me as pretty much everyone I speak to is hoping to avoid it.

There’s WAY more excitement about Eurovision which is the following weekend.

Posted by
8882 posts

I'm certainly more excited about the Coronation than about Eurovision, which isn't saying much.

For me personally I am doing this page as a courtesy service for our American friends after several questions, and it has taken a fair bit of research.

I think our visitors may be more interested than us Brits.

What to me has been a shambolic lead up to the Coronation, with very little information being released very late has not helped. I do think it will be interesting to see never before witnessed elements of the service.
We still don't even seem to know what time the concert is on the Sunday and many key details of the Ceremonial on Saturday are unknown. It says it all that there is no extra or later transit back from Windsor on the Sunday after the concert, and no announced extra trains into London for Saturday. And that most of the big screens are unticketed events, suggesting they don't expect to be overrun.
On the Bank Holiday Monday, if the weather is OK, then I've certainly got other things to do with the day.
I won't be going to a big screen. There is a local event in my estate Community Centre, which I may or not go to, but am ambivalent about the whole thing.

Posted by
880 posts

There’s a lot of coronation stuff in some shops - M&S have displays of branded food and drink, and red, white and blue T shirts for example.

And every time I see it I feel a sense of confusion - kind of, hang on, wasn’t the Jubilee last year? And it takes a while to remember there’s a coronation.

I am a middle aged somewhat liberal/lefty woman so I’ve not much interest anyway but even my royal-inclined friends seem put off by recent announcements (bits of the “actual” cross? Holy oil from Jerusalem?? Camilla becoming Queen Camilla instead of Queen Consort???) and there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of affection for Charles.

However I suspect on the day itself I’ll probably watch a bit on telly, just because. And if the weather is nice I can see some people thinking they might as well go to a big screen or a street party, just because it’s a nice thing to do in itself.

Posted by
3414 posts

For me personally I am doing this page as a courtesy service for our
American friends after several questions, and it has taken a fair bit
of research.

Us Americans traveling to the UK during this time certainly appreciate all the information provided here. It’s very helpful.

Posted by
8882 posts

Funnily enough I've just been to an impromptu meeting about our local Community Centre event, which is on the brink of being cancelled, due to a lack of interest.
To which my response was that it has barely been advertised, and no one said you had to get tickets in advance. Any one who had seen the lacklustre publicity would think you could just turn up on the day, as I did until this unexpected meeting.
It was a bit surreal, as the event is said to be open to all. Yet I live 5 minutes walk away from the centre but no one could agree on whether I fall within the centre's catchment area!!
A peculiarly British state of affairs.

Posted by
8882 posts

For anyone in the Lake District I have just added the Rheged Centre. As an indoor venue this is a great alternative, and somewhere which for some reason I never see mentioned on this forum.

Posted by
8882 posts

The location of the Edinburgh Big Screen has finally been announced. Also there is to be a special Scottish service of dedication and thanksgiving for the new king at St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh on a date to be announced later in the year.
This will include the presentation to the King of The Honours of Scotland, which are on display in the Crown Room at Edinburgh Castle and which are the oldest crown jewels in Britain.

Posted by
145 posts

Cornwall was left out...though I'm sure they're perfectly alright with that

Posted by
8693 posts

I agree with Carrie, Stuart - I really appreciate the time you have taken to give us all this information. I'm very excited about seeing the coronation (even on a big screen) while in the UK.

Posted by
8366 posts

Cornwall was left out...though I'm sure they're perfectly alright with that

I will be visiting in Cornwall during that time...and I am OK with that. And judging from room availability that weekend, others must be as well.