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Taxi from Bath to Heathrow?

We are trying to make the most of our last day in Bath on Saturday, Aug 29. What we thought would be a good idea is to hold our luggage at the hotel, enjoy the day, and then take a roughly 2 hour taxi drive to our hotel at the Heathrow Terminal 5 area.

This is more expensive then a train but would allow us more time in Bath and there would be no transfers to navigate. It seems a taxi would be in the area of 110 pounds which is not all that much more then 2 train tickets for Bath -> Paddington and Paddington->Heathrow Terminal 5 plus the taxis on both ends of the journey.

Does this sound like a good idea? Are there any recommendations for a taxi service out of Bath?

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5361 posts

For convenience it will win hands down. There are though cheaper public transport routes though than the one that you suggest; train to Reading and the coach from there would be £52 at the cheapest for both of you or £48 on a direct coach. Of course you would have to add on getting to your hotel, but as you haven't named it I can't make any suggestions.

It is a Bank Holiday weekend which may inflate the taxi cost, but not as much as on the Bank Holiday itself.

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619 posts

Going by car would be the most convenient, and would let you leave Bath as late as possible. It would also take you direct to the hotel, and not leave you with walking or getting a bus for the last half mile.

You use the word "taxi", but don't just go to a taxi rank in the street. It would be best to book a car in advance from one of the Bath companies you can find through Google. They do these journeys all the time, and have spacious, comfortable cars and accomplished drivers.

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164 posts

Marco, thanks. We are leaving from the Three Abbey Green hotel in Bath to the Premier Inn (Terminal 5) Heathrow. I had not thought to look up the Reading train and then coach. Not even sure how to look this up.

Ramblin, thanks. The coach appears to leave at 16:15, takes 3.5 hours, and would be £54 for 2. But I'd have to perhaps add some taxi to this.

Thanks Bob, the taxi's I've looked up are in the area of £135 (for example: taxi). I don't know about tipping for this taxi. Kind of pricey but convenient. I could call our Bath hotel and ask for a reference. Perhaps I could book a few days before as we will be in bath for 3 nights.

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619 posts

In giving you the various options, we have all ignored an important factor.

The railway line from London to Bristol is currently being electrified, and the line east of Bath will be completely or partially closed for much of the summer. That is especially true during August. Details are available at if you click on "Travel Updates".

I understand that the major work is lowering the track in Box Tunnel to accommodate the overhead electrification wires. Box Tunnel is a structure of historic significance, so the work has to be done carefully. That is also true of the section of track through Sidney Gardens in Bath.

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5361 posts

Hence the 'steer' towards the coach more for public transport. Train journeys from Bath to London will be via Bristol in August.

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164 posts

So it sounds like the choices are (1) taxi, (2) taxi-coach-Hoppa. Probably (1) is about 2x the cost but 1/2 the hassle. I know which choice my wife will vote for ;) -- the easy one. Thanks everyone.