We enjoy, walking - walked in Cotswalds, the Lake District and along sections of Hadrian's Wall, summer of 2017 - castles, cathedrals and old churches, ruins, gardens of all sorts, things like Stonehenge, museums and city sights (like London).
We want to bookend a visit to an old friend in May 2019, who will be relocated to Gillingham, Dorset, by then. The bookends would be starting in Ireland for a week or so and London for a few days, including the Chelsea Garden Show, before returning home.
We envision USA>Ireland >friend in Gillingham>Southwest Coast>London and Chelsea>home to USA, East Coast. Three to four weeks, combo of trans by train, car hire, bus while in England. Whatever makes sense.
This ask is only for the Southwest Coast from say the vicinity of our friend in Gillingham, Dorset around to MInehead more or less. We are not thinking straight line, walks longer than 10 miles in a day, and only a few of these, or even a mad dash around. Or, even hugging the coast, unless that gives us the best of the area. Rather we want to meander, sample, stay awhile; get to know that part of my home country. Side note about 'that' home. Last summer we visited the church, (St Martins in the Bullring, Birmingham) where my Great Grandparents were married in 1893, before immigrating to the U.S. the same year.
Very general, yes. We are a year out though.
Thanks for any ideas.